Subject: Double Dragon |
Alexis Renee
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Date Posted: 14:54:32 11/28/01 Wed
Dragon 2: *Takes a seat at alexis's request*
Dragon 1: *Hops off the table and onto the deck*
SCO: =A=Bridge to Renee =A=
Alexis: "Renee Here"
SCO: =A=Sir we have intercepted a transmission, I think you should see =A=
Alexis: "Route it through the Docter Office "
SCO:=A= Aye Sir Bridge out =A=
Alexis: *Steps into the Office and reviews the Message, she comes out with a look as though she was in deep thought* "Doctor, I need to know Who is the orignal Dragon, and if he is well enough to be returned to his ship?"
CMO: "This one, *Pointing the Dragon standing by the table* And yes he is, Whats up Captain?"
Alexis: "It's a matter concerning his Ship" *To Dragon* "Come with me, I need to speak with you" *To CMO* "Make sure our other Dragon remains here" *She walks over to the second Dragon* "Listen to the Doc, he's here to help you"
Alexis: "Nods to CMO and then to Dragon, motioning for him to follow, and walks out, to the Stationed security, informing them of the clone and ordering them to remain outside, she enter the Turbolift, ordering it to deck one and turns tto Dragon* "Captain Dragon, your ship has been ordered to assist the USS Freespirit, I have received word that my Engineer has replaced the Warp core, with the one from his shuttle stranding him there, I Have decided it would be best to send you back kto your Ship, they need you more then I do, and I have kept you away to long, I will supply you with a shuttle, which you will turn over to my Engineer upon your return, Any questions?"
Dragon: *Shakes his head still trying to grasp everything going on but ceases the chance to get home and clear his head* "Yeah, Uh. no.. I think you're right. it would be best for me to return and I have no questions other then will you need me again?"
Alexis: "I Don't know, if your clone knows everything you do, then he may also know Zhaan's location, and may even have your ability to link with Zhaan, If not, then I will leave the choice to you, if you chose not to, then there is nothing I can do, you have my Word I will not remove you from your ship without your concent again"
Dragon: *Nods slowly* "Alright, now will someone tell me about this clone..?"
Alexis: *Looks over in confusion* "Did the Doctor not Explane what happend?"
Dragon: "He told me about some accidant.. But I want to hear it from someone who was there.. I'm not exactly comfortable with another one of me running around 1 is enough"
Alexis: "Yes well there isn't much I can do about him, as far as I know, he is you, and he is K'vaj, a result of the accident, I Don't know what else there is to say about him, except he will have to remain here."
Dragon: *Gives a puzzeled expression* "What do you plan to do with him while he's here? and I think the best option would be to allow me to take him to starfleet and allow our top doctors take a look at him and make sure he's fine."
Alexis: " I Disagree, our CMO is more qulified then most of Starfleets top Doctors, and my plans for him is none of your concern"
Dragon: *Gives an arrogant stare* "None of my concern? He's a clone of me and most likly a child not knowing where he is.. and i'll not allow you to abuse whatever power you will gain from me and my dna by using him to access it"
Alexis: "I Do not seek power, He will be given the choice to help just as you have, he will also be given a Life aboard this ship, a postion that he is suited for, if he so desires, but if you wish to be informed of what happens to him, I will do so and keep you informed"
Dragon: "If he is like me.. Know one thing.. He's not going to accept it easily and I can't even control myself at times I can't even predict my own actions this is why I really think you should heed my word and allow me to take custody of him."
Alexis: "I Will keep that in mind, but he will have to remain here, "*To Computer* Computer Halt turbolift" *Looking Dragon in the eyes* "You of all people know what will happen if you take him back, he will be treated like something to be caged and studied, and there is a Chance Section 31 will get ahold on him, I can't allow any of that to happen, He should be free just as you and I are, I will give him that chance"
Dragon: *Sighs deeply as he returns the gaze attemtpting to read captain Renee as he has so many people before, scanned her eyes for the true concern* "Very well.. I'll leave him here but I'm warning you and I'm telling you if anything should go wrong to contact me.. and be very vcarefull around him. I hope my thought and feelings during the transport weren't mixed into him."
Alexis: "I Can't say if they were or not, I will keep you informed as I Promised, Anything else?"
Dragon: *Sighs deeply* "Not at the moment other then if needed how do I contact you? and don't give me that Section 31 crap about don't call us we'll call you."
Alexis: "My Engineer will give you and secure signal communacations transmitter, it is what he uses to contact me, it will send a signal to over 100 lightyears within a day, if were in that range it will take about two to three days to receive a responce."
Dragon: *Nods slowly* "Take good care of him. and I want you to keep a close eye on him if he comes anywhere near sinea!"
Alexis: "I Feel it would be better to keep them apart, after your reaction to her, I don't know what his reaction will be" *To computer* "Computer Resume turbolift"
*The Trubolift arrives to the Bridge Alexis turns to Dragon*
Alexis: "Remain here I will only be a moment"
*Alexis Steps out walking over to the Second Officer Exchanging a few words, and heads back to the Turbolift while the SCO Carries out her orders*
Alexis: *To Computer* "Shuttle Bay 1" *The lift doors close and it takes off*
{{Shuttle Bay}}
*The Turbolift arrives outside the shuttle bay, Alexis then Enters the Bay with Severial officers waiting with supplies for the Shuttle itself, inspecting each and nodding for the officer to load them, one officer walks up to Dragon with the Long range Secure Transmitter*
Ensign: "Excuse me Sir, I was supposed to give this to you."
Dragon: *nods and recieves the Transmitter*
Alexis: "Captain Dragon, The Course back to your Ship is programed into the Computer, just set Destanation as Tayani 1, and you should arrive within 3 hours" *Alexis Looks inquiringly at the transmitter in Dragon's hand* "Who gave that to you?"
Dragon: "A young ensign I believe, I've no idea your Ranking system."
*Alexis Steps back and Calls Security over, a Guard takes the Transmitter form Dragon, and another Scans it with a Tricorder, He then nods to Alexis and turns to Dragon*
Security: "A Word of advice sir, don't take anything that hasn't been inspected by the Captain, the Old XO has set alot of traps for you, even on the off chance you might need this, it was set to overload upon use. "
Dragon: *Blinks* "I knew that.. but uh.. why didn't I.. What did your doctor do to me?" (Turning to alexis and giving a puzzled but outraged look*
Alexis: "The Doctor did nothing but repair the memory device"
Dragon: "Then unrepair it! I've not been myself since I came aboard this ship and I want to be returned to my ship in the same condition I left her in,"
Alexis: "The device can not be 'unrepaired' with out killing you, just give it some time, you will be back to normal. The Shuttle is ready for your Departure if you are"
Dragon: *Sighs deeply* "Alright, I wish to remaine here. my ship can do without me for a little while. if need be she will send for me, But i'm sure T'ale can handle it. in the meantime. I will still accompany you to find this Zhann and I will also keep my own surveillance upon my clone." (He said looking to alexis.) "And besides for me to miss or forget something as critical as that attempt, I'm not fit to Retake command of my ship, as of yet."
Alexis: "Very well" *Taps commbadge*"Renee to bridge"
SCO: =A= Bridge Here, go ahead Captain =A=
Alexis: "Resume Course, Captain Dragon has decided to stay with us awhile longer"
SCO: =A= Aye sir =A=
Alexis: "Renee out" *Turning to Dragon* "If you wish you may return with me to sickbay, or you can go to your quarters?"
Dragon: "I've no need to retire as of yet, So I'll accompany you to sickbay if you do not mind."
Alexis: "Very well" *Turning to Security* "Lt Locate that Ensign, and place him in the Brig"
Security: "Aye Sir"
*Alexis Nods, and takes the turbolift back to sickbay, they arrive catching the Attention of the doctor*
CMO: "Back so Soon captain Dragon?"
Dragon: *Nods slightly* "How is he?"
CMO: "He will be fine in a few days, just as you will"
Alexis: "Is he well enough to discuss his situation?"
CMO: "I would say yes, but he's still out of place, having seen yourself im sure you would be out of place to"
Dragon: *Looks over to his clone and slowly and carefully walks toward him*
Clone: *Somewhat begins to turn jittery and somewhat backs away as Dragon approches*
Dragon: *Stops before his clone before going any further when he notices it's retreat* "Ok, (He speak calmly towards the clone)
Clone: *Stops retreating*
Dragon: "You got a name?"
Clone: "Michael Dragon."
Dragon: "right.. stupid question"
Alexis: *Walks over slowly* *To Dragon* "Perhaps we should establish what he wants to do?"
Dragon: *Nods slowly*
Clone: *Stands firm infront of Dragon showing that all fear has been faught off*
"I don't know who you are or what your game is.. or what you did to me that I know speak and understand klingon."
Dragon: *Returns the stance before the clone" "I have no game, and I'm the real Michael Dragon, now if you'd stop being a DogH, and listen you will be informed to as what has happened. if not you can Urru Areinnye"
Clone: *Gives out a deep breath with a low level Growl* "I'll listen but if I don't find any of it possible then you're going to pay dearly for this attempted trick. and if I knew what Urru Areinnye meant I'm sure it woul help."
Dragon: *Raises an eyebrow* "It means Go to Grek'thor. if you're my clone you should know that I speak Rihannsu very well."
Alexis: "yIjatlhQo'!! Both of you.. Now just sit down so we can work this out, or i will havve the Doctor Sedate you both, until you are ready to cooperate"
Dragon: *Goes silent*
Clone: *Ditto*
Alexis: "Now" *Turning to the Clone*"the First thing we should determind is what to call you, Your Name may be Michael Dragon, but so is he"*Pointing to Dragon* "Will you consider being Called Just Michael for now?"
Clone: *Nods slowly* "If you'd like, but I'm Michael Dragon."
Alexis: "Yes I understand that" *sighs* "this is not going to be easy for any of us, especialy you, but you must work with us, are you willing to be open to the idea that you might be a clone, after what has happend it would explane why you speak Klingon, and Not Rihannsu"
Clone: *Sighs deeply* "I'll keep an opened mind, but that's it. "
Alexis: "Good now we might get somewhere, Michael, what is the last thing you remember before coming to the Ship?"
Michael: "When I left the Tayani or Beamed back here from the Planet?"
Alexis: "Coming back from the Planet"
Michael: "I returned to be attemptidly confined here by the Doctor here and in the room with this person wqho looks like me, I then left soon after you did, I was then being hunted aboard this ship with officers fireing at me with whatever Beam weapons you have set to kill.. Disarmed one ran through the ventilation system and returned here."
Alexis: "that was after the return to the ship, Do you remember while you were on the planet? why you were fighting K'vaj?"
Michael: "He attacked me. I've no idea what was going on in that klingon head of his but he attempted to pull a weapon on me and I disarmed him."
Alexis: "Did he say anything to you?"
Michael: "Yes he called me a Dragon weakling and something about not having her..?"
Alexis *Sighs* "Not having me" *gets up and walks to the other side of the room*
CMO *Walks over to Alexis* "Alex I told you this would happen, Klingon's are too Jealous."
Alexis "bIjatlh 'e' yImev!" *Alexis walks out of Sickbay*
CMO "Ok, uh I guess I will finish this then" *Walks back over to Michael & Dragon* "ok one Question, Dragon, why are you still here, I thought you were going back to your ship?"
Dragon: "I honestly have no idea, Something seems to be keeping me here everytime i go. and with as mentally out of it as I currently am.. I'm not fit to retake command of my ship.
Mchael: *Slams his fist into a nearby bio-bed & turns to Dragon who's still standing firm* "Allow me to pass!" (He growled to Dragon)
Dragon: *Peers deeply into his clone's eyes*
Michael: *Growls*
Dragon: *Returns the Growl*
Michael: "If you do not allow me to pass.. I will be forced to remove you!"
Dragon: *Hardly acknowledges the statment* "You'll do something foolish if I do."
Michael: *Growls deeply* "You don't know me as well as you thought" *Socks Dragon in the jaw*
Dragon: *Recovers quickly but allows the clone to pass*
CMO: *Steps back, then Reaches over to help Dragon* "Michael, Stop right there or I will call security"
Michael: "I Am Security!" *Dashes out to the corridor after alexis*
Dragon: *Shakes his head* "I saw that coming"
CMO: *Hit his Commbadge* "CMO to Security, The Clone is loose again, He just left Sickbay you had better find him, CMO out" *To Dragon* "You ok?"
Dragon: "I'm fine, But i'd suggest to belay that order to security or your sickbay is going to fill with injured crewmen"
CMO: "Our Security can handle him"
Dragon: *Shakes his head* "You heard him, he is security he most likly knows everything you chief security officer did.. and when I Looked into his eyes I saw why he left and I know what it's like, and if he is like me nothing is going to stop what he's running too."
CMO: *Looks at Dragon, and Nods tapping his comm badge* "CMO To Security, Belay that order, the Clone is accounted for."
Security: =A= Understood =A=
CMO: "CMO out" *To Dragon* " I hope your right, because if your wrong, I just put the Captain and this ship in danger"
Dragon: "You'll find him between here and whever your Captain is.. and if he is like me He woulden't hurt her or if you CTO really did love her he woulden't harm her.. but if anything trys to get between him and running for your now upset Captain He'll push it aside, hence if you had security after him your ship would be in danger."
CMO: "I had a feeling this might happen... With that Damn Klingon's Genes in him, makes him more unprdictable then you".....
Michael: *Races down the corridor and onto a turbolift* "Deck 2"
*Turbolift beeps an Error* "Voice not recognized"
michael: *Growls and enters a series of code into the panel and the lift doors close and it takes off with a low humm as it speeds upward*
*Turbolift stops and the doors open leading to Deck 2*
~To be Continued~
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