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Date Posted: 16:43:08 01/24/03 Fri
Author: Bridget
Subject: *She whirls to face him*
In reply to: Devil's Fury 's message, "^He follows close behind her, their pup in tow^" on 15:13:27 01/23/03 Thu

*She stares at him with her glimmering eyes and speaks softly, though her voice is thick with tears*
You don't understand, my whole life was here. My heart broke a thousand times in these fields, I died and was reborn! My entire past blows in this wind. All of my friends, family. . .everything, were right here.

*She turns away from him again, glaring at her paws. Her mind tries to go back just far enough to Gunner, but she pushes it back to current matters. Love was no longer a thing of the past. She'd found it again. Why did she still miss him so?
And now it's gone! Gunner's gone, so are Tabby and Jen. Everything that I lived for, everyone that I lived for. . .gone. Let's just stay here a few more days, to see if maybe anyone comes.

*Her gaze shifts to the distance, looking hopefully out at the empty field she'd seen him come through a million times before. She waits anxiously for Tabby, Jen, Acrosti, anyone, to appear from the field. Mostly, though, Gunner lies within her hopes*

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[> [> [> ^He looks around curiously^ -- Devil's Fury, 21:01:40 01/26/03 Sun

^He shakes his head slowly^ No one's coming. . .I'm leaving right now. Maybe someone at the police station will take me. I can't believe that you're going to sit here and wait for someone who isn't coming. He's gone, get over it, get over him, I thought you were mine. ^He begins walking toward the station, careless as to whether or not she follows^

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