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Watches -- Gunner, 17:03:22 02/04/03 Tue
Watches the other dog, scooting back just a little bit. He stares at the two of them, silently.
(Ok I'll cheeck it)
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*Stands* -- Bridget, 18:10:12 02/04/03 Tue
*She stands and stares at Fury quietly, studying him as he speaks. Her attention turns to Gunner, then back to Fury* I don't know how to explain this to you, so I'm just going to come right out and say it. Gunner was my mate before. . .well, something happened. I met you and we traveled for a while, but now I'm back home. I told you when we met that if I met Gunner again, that I would always go back. This is where I have lived most of my life, and here is where I want to finish it. Hopefully, with someone I trust at my side. *She then turns to Gunner and gives him a pleading stare* That is if Gunner is willing to take me back.
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Nervous -- Gunner, 13:24:02 02/05/03 Wed
Nervously watches her as she talks, his gaze shifting between the two dogs before him. When she is silent once again he speaks. "I'm more than willing."
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*Grins* -- Bridget, 15:59:46 02/06/03 Thu
*She grins widely, happy to know that he still had at least friendship towards her* Thanks...I wasn't sure what you'd say. *Her attention turns to Fury* You're welcome to stay too, I think that Jen would like the company and the activity, but you'll have to find yourself someone else. *She shrugs slightly* Because we promised each other a long time ago that we'd always be willing to take each other back. And I'm sticking with my promise. *She nuzzles Gunner lightly, fearing that still he felt as though she had betrayed him somehow*
(sucky, again baah!)
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Nudges her -- Gunner n' Jenifer, 17:10:31 02/06/03 Thu
He nudges her gently, still looking at the other male dog uneasily. Turning his gaze back to Bridget, a soft smile plays upon his face. "I'm happy your back-" a gunter green Avalanche pulling up interrupted his words.
(Sucky? What about mine lol BTW, the driver is Jenifer :-D)
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*Looks to the vehicle* -- Bridget, 05:07:21 02/07/03 Fri
*She smiles at Gunner first, emotion dancing in her eyes as well. She looks at the car a little more uneasily, though, and her ears perking forward in curiousity. A loud bark wakes people from their sleep at the farmhouse, excitement in every yelp*
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