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Subject: *Whimpers*

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Date Posted: 17:11:35 02/13/02 Wed
In reply to: Gunner 's message, "*Is once again under his weight* (Powerplayer!!)" on 14:08:00 02/13/02 Wed

*Even though she is unconsious, she whimpers from her coma, understanding. She is still alive but she just lays there in pain and agony. She didn't understand the other wolf, but she understood Gunner. She lays limp and bloody, not moving*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Begins to re-take her wolf form once more*

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Date Posted: 17:22:38 02/13/02 Wed

*The cuts on her body slowly dissapear, and her bruises slowly dissolve into pure, blinding white fur. Her legs become longer, her chest broader and tighter against her body, showing her ribs. Her long, red fur turns into a white carpet that sourrounds a not fully formed figure. Her wolf muzzle reappears and her teeth become white and bare as her lips shrink back to wolf size, no longer needing to be so long. Her blue eyes go back to a heartless color. No longer red, blue, or black, they are the color of pure evil: Green. Her green eyes glow as she opens them and stands unevenly as her other two legs become longer and thinner. Her paws become larger and her claws become longer. Her body is no longer long, instead it is lean and thin. Her ribs are seen plainly and can be counted. Her once beautiful, long-haired tail becomes bushy and white. The redness in her fur is entirely gone, and her glimmering blue, is turned evil green. She stands in pure wolf form. She points her nose into the winds, and howls. Long and ghoulish, her howls ring through all of Cascade Mountains*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *the howls wakes him slightly*

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Date Posted: 18:29:26 02/13/02 Wed

No.. Bridget... You can't come back. YOu said so yourself. *He groans in pain, both physical and emotional*

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: *Looks at him as she struggles through the last stages of becoming*

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Date Posted: 18:39:03 02/13/02 Wed

*She struggles to get the last caring words out of her mouth* I can't.... stop.... it.... I have a second life.... I'm stuck like this.... no... going.... back..... no magic can.... bring...me back. *Those were her last words before trotting towards the creek and getting a drink*

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