Date Posted:18:19:45 02/18/02 Mon
~He is happy that she is not afraid of him and that she doesn't move away. He continues to graze next to her, letting her have her own space~
Date Posted:17:58:03 02/19/02 Tue
~He smiles at her~ You said I was a show off. You said things about me. So... that's not how you make friends. ~He looks to her~ Want to try again? ~Smiles at her and trots over~ My name is Selection
Date Posted:18:22:10 02/19/02 Tue
~yep, he's right. I think you need to learn how to make friends(no offense)~*walks a little closer* ~isn't it just ironic how we all ended up talking to each other and we all have the same owner?~ *grins*
Date Posted:23:03:27 02/19/02 Tue
"Not really ironic. We all have the same owner so we were bound to meet at sometime." Looks at Selection and chances a slight grin. "I'm not exactly the 'friendliest' mare you're ever going to meet. I perfer my own company but if you insist. My name's Beauty. It's a human given name, so call me what you wish. My father called me Cyclone. I could care less." Shrugs.
Date Posted:18:59:10 02/20/02 Wed
Thinking her own private thoughts of what she would do on a trail ride. She says nothing and stares off into the distance, inky mane blowing around her neck in the brezze.
Date Posted:17:20:45 02/21/02 Thu
*Smiles* I didn't intend for you two to flirt.... but... whatever! *She smiles and hugs all three of them and says* Who wants a trail ride?