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Date Posted: 13:44:54 11/25/01 Sun
Author: Jenifer
Subject: Hey buddy! You like barrel racing? i can set them up and take you through em' timees.
In reply to:
's message, "Trots around and through the barrels and jumps over all the jumping sticks." on 05:55:30 11/25/01 Sun
Nuthin else to do. Or, I could make a course, and I coould jump ya. How about it?
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He neighs and jumps more saying "I LOVE jumping the most and barrel racing is okay!" -- Moon, 13:50:28 11/25/01 Sun
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Ok!>> -- Jenifer, 14:29:41 11/25/01 Sun
She ruuns over to the side of the railing and pulls out a few jumping blocks and some Poles. Pretty soon, she has 4 jumps...
~~~~~Half Hour Later~~~~~
The course is set up, nice and neat. The poles glitter in teh sun, being so new. *Jenifer Smiles* <i> COme on boy! Lets head to the tack room!</i> She runs there, and gets ready to pull the saddle and stuff out. <i>OOC: Hang on, right now I am going to make a new Voy page, and make it the tack rom, OK? Then I have to add it, but It won't take that long, so just, like, go into the pasture or something. *smiles</i>
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nvm, the tack rooms up. meet me there! -- Jen, 14:42:20 11/25/01 Sun
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Ok!>> -- Jenifer, 14:44:11 11/25/01 Sun
She ruuns over to the side of the railing and pulls out a few jumping blocks and some Poles. Pretty soon, she has 4 jumps...
~~~~~Half Hour Later~~~~~
The course is set up, nice and neat. The poles glitter in teh sun, being so new. *Jenifer Smiles* <i> COme on boy! Lets head to the tack room!</i> She runs there, and gets ready to pull the saddle and stuff out. <i>OOC: Hang on, right now I am going to make a new Voy page, and make it the tack rom, OK? Then I have to add it, but It won't take that long, so just, like, go into the pasture or something. *smiles</i>
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