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thinks* -- JEnifer, 20:15:17 12/29/01 Sat
not caring much about the tack at the time, she jumps up, stepping on the saddle... A few minutes later, a big door opens and Jen hops into her dark green truck, pulling it close enough to Huck that she could get him in, but not too close to where it would scare him. *I need help!* *thinks again* TOBY! She pets Huck, and says, "I'll be right back, OK? I have to go get someone...* Runs to find TOby, so he could help her get him in.
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where is the vets? -- Huck, 18:12:24 12/31/01 Mon
>not caring much about the tack at the time, she jumps
>up, stepping on the saddle... A few minutes later, a
>big door opens and Jen hops into her dark green truck,
>pulling it close enough to Huck that she could get him
>in, but not too close to where it would scare him. *I
>need help!* *thinks again* TOBY! She pets Huck, and
>says, "I'll be right back, OK? I have to go get
>someone...* Runs to find TOby, so he could help her
>get him in.
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Go to -- Jenifer, 15:02:43 01/02/02 Wed
Businesses, then go to Cerra's Vet Center... or, if Brinkster won't work for ya,
K? Meet ya thre
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