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Date Posted: 17:07:59 11/25/01 Sun
Author: Moon
Subject: *He canters over and waits very patiently for Jenifer to mount him.*>read on
In reply to: Jenifer 's message, "she walks in, waiting for Moon." on 14:52:16 11/25/01 Sun

He senses her nervousness and he nuzzles her as if to say "I go pretty fat but I PROMISE I know what I'm doing. You won't even barely have to steer me! Just concentrate."

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[> [> she smiles and mounts, gathering the reins in her hands -- Jenifer, 17:21:20 11/25/01 Sun

She nudges him and takes him at a canter around the ring a few times. At the third time around, she turns him towards the first jump, tenseness floating away, becasue she knew that if Moon scensed it, he would think something was wrong and be nervous. The first jump came closer and closer and she leaned forward a bit, and raised slightly off the saddle and...

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[> [> [> *soars through the air doing a perfect jump! >read on -- Moon, 18:26:36 11/25/01 Sun

He goes a little faster edging to the next jump confindent

He soars over the second jump too with ease. He slows down and then faster as he nesrs the jumps. He then waits for a signal from Jenifer either a direction or a faster or slower command from the reins. He canters over another jump happily.

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[> [> [> [> she slows him a litle, and carefully nudges the left rein, telling him to turn that way> -- Jenifer, 18:34:11 11/25/01 Sun

She smiles, now confident. When he was headed for another jump, she nudged him to go a lil' faster. After they flew over it, there was only 5 more jumps to go.

She saw one of the more tricky ones. It had 4 layers, (i don't know what it's called) and a pole for each layer, amking it go higher every pole. She tensed up, but tried not to let the horse fell it. She leaned forward, and raised up ever so slightly and...

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[> [> [> [> [> >>>>read on -- Moon, 14:35:23 11/26/01 Mon

since the tricky one was the last one Moon raced on. He felt Jenifer's slow down command he went slower. Then as he felt her nudge to go faster he raced a leapt gracefully over the 1st of the 5 jumps. He let himself loosen and jumped spectactly over the 2nd and 3 rd jump. He went faster as he neared the 4th jump and WHOOSH! A PERFECT high incredible jump! As he neared the last and tricky jump,he slowed down kinda feeling Jenifer's nervous ness. He slowed down more. But then when he sensed she was confident once more he raced right up to the jump. He took a starting jump and.......WHHOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH! He soars right over the tricky jump as if it was a cavaletti! He races on then slows down waiting for a command from Jenifer.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Smiling big>>> -- Jenifer, 15:43:15 11/26/01 Mon

she laughs and pats him on the neck as she slows him to a trot. Then, after trotting halfway around the ring, she halts him and jumps off, patting him all the way. She smiles and says <i>Good boy! I have never rode such a well behaved horse.</i> She loosens the saddle a little and leans back on the railing. It's hot in here, she says as she wipes a bit of sweat from her forehead. (indoor arena) It's too bad this place only has a ac/heater by the office. It doesn't go up very high though, so the place won't catch on fire. Then, when she see's he isn't sweating as bad anymore, she walked up to him again. You tired? Do you wanna stop or do you wanna do it again? She asks, rubbing his white forehad. She awaits the answer...

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> *he nuzzles Jenifer affectionatly then sniffs around,hungry>read) -- Moon, 13:15:15 11/27/01 Tue

(You don't have to feed him yet,cause he might get colic but you can walk him around and stuff) His eyes soften and he nuzzles Jenifer again.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Smiles, I know bud. >> -- Jenifer, 16:13:58 11/27/01 Tue

She goes by his saddle, and loosens the girth. She pulls the strap through and gently lifts the saddle and blanket off. She sets it on the rail, carefully flipping the blanket upside down so it could dry. She patted him and started to walk around the ring...

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