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Date Posted: 18:22:45 03/18/07 Sun

>John I see you are scamming people by selling dogs
>with no papers. I see you are telling people that bald
>headed lie that they are ADBA registered. Why are you
>doing this HONEST John?

Hey John how is Sprocket doing?...LOL!

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=244366">http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=244366</a>

I guess you forgot what you said about I.M. and his dogs? Well let me remind you. Remember this John?

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Date Posted: 18:20:37 03/07/06 Tue

Look Mike. I'm not interested in your cow jumped over the moon stories. Like I said you have your story and yet there is still other stories that are in direct conflict with your ideas. I don't care how any of those dogs are bred according to you. It just don't matter. As far as I'm concerned the only dogs I know not to bred to are yours. Thats fine with me. I will always have an honest response regarding Wilder's Red Satan and his origin. I'm one person that you will have to live with, that did not, nor will ever, accept your cockin bull stories and especially your pedigrees.

The End

I see you have a short memory John that post was from a year ago. That post was from this board and it's in the archives. Funny how you are doing a complete 180 now buying a 1/2 Hemphill/Norrod dog...LOL! Too bad the dog will end up just like EVERY dog in your yard...UNTESTED! Damn what I really mean is never having a tooth in them!

I aslo like how you post ADBA #'s on dogs that are actually registered...LOL! Why not post the ADBA #'s on those OFBA dogs(Fred, Franco, Bess and Koko Moe)? I forgot you don't have papers!

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