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Date Posted: 12:32:46 03/30/07 Fri >>>John I see you are scamming people by selling dogs >>>with no papers. I see you are telling people that >bald >>>headed lie that they are ADBA registered. Why are you >>>doing this HONEST John? >>> >>>HORRIBLY FRAUDULENT BREEDER ASSOCIATION >>>(H.F.B.A.) >> >>Hey John how is Sprocket doing?...LOL! >> >><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >r >>ee.php?dog_id=244366 >> >>I guess you forgot what you said about I.M. and his >>dogs? Well let me remind you. Remember this John? >> >> >>Author: >>FTJ >>Author Host/IP: >> [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | >>Previous Message ] >>------------------------------------------------------ >- >>------------------------- >>Date Posted: 18:20:37 03/07/06 Tue >> >>------------------------------------------------------ >- >>------------------------- >>Look Mike. I'm not interested in your cow jumped over >>the moon stories. Like I said you have your story and >>yet there is still other stories that are in direct >>conflict with your ideas. I don't care how any of >>those dogs are bred according to you. It just don't >>matter. As far as I'm concerned the only dogs I know >>not to bred to are yours. Thats fine with me. I will >>always have an honest response regarding Wilder's Red >>Satan and his origin. I'm one person that you will >>have to live with, that did not, nor will ever, accept >>your cockin bull stories and especially your >pedigrees. >> >>The End >> >>I see you have a short memory John that post was from >>a year ago. That post was from this board and it's in >>the archives. Funny how you are doing a complete 180 >>now buying a 1/2 Hemphill/Norrod dog...LOL! Too bad >>the dog will end up just like EVERY dog in your >>yard...UNTESTED! Damn what I really mean is never >>having a tooth in them! >> >>I aslo like how you post ADBA #'s on dogs that are >>actually registered...LOL! Why not post the ADBA #'s >>on those OFBA dogs(Fred, Franco, Bess and Koko Moe)? I >>forgot you don't have papers! > >Here is your response to your e-mail John. > >John wrote...I notice none of the dogs in the first 4 >generations have titles nor or they mentioned at any >great length regarding quality and fitness. > >** The dogs in Danger's first four generations need no >introduction because of the name that appears on those >four generations. The concept you fail to grasp is the >breeder is more important than genetcics...why? A >breeder can manipulate the genes to their standards >and over a period of time can produce dogs much better >than the stock they started with. The name that >appears is a PERFORMANCE BREEDER who has bred Winners, >Champions, Grand Champions and ROM dogs. Do you think >his standards and program is much better than >Wilder's, Sitzes', Pritts', Hanna's, Ishikawa's, >Farkas', Ringor's & Santos'? Considering none of the >above names mentioned produced ONE WINNER! None of the >above names have seen 16 x 16! This is the reason why >you have to go back to Geronimo II in Danger's ped to >see a dog that wasn't tested. Every dog in Danger's >ped except Geronimo is a Champion, Grand Champion, >Winner or game tested GAMEDOG! Looking at your dogs' >peds you only have to go to Copperhead's sire Grizzly >to see a CUR! > >John wrote... On top of that, I understand that >someone has finally pulled the cloak of deceit from >off the eyes of the fooled public. YOUR DOG IS A PAPER >HUNG MARKETING TOOL and once again proving you are a >sham and a racket. Try BLASTING that reality into your >brain with the hope you will feel shame for being a >crook and thief. > >** I would like to know who pulled the cloak of deceit >concerning Danger's ped? If you are thinking it was >Gino think again. Where did he get his dogs from John? >Here is a hint John, the same place I bought Danger >from...THE SOURCE! Here is my number (801) 563-3951, >call me and we can get the source on three way ANYTIME >you like. The next time you talk to Gino ask him where >Sierra and Spike are? Let me give you a hint...they >are not with him! As a matter I left Gino my number >and he has yet to call...wonder why? I think the >source I got my dogs from pedigrees have NEVER been in >question EVER! Last time I checked Gino got his dogs >from who? By the way John where do you think that dog >you own Sprocket came from, well atleast half his >ped?...LOL! > >I like the way you say I'm a shame and a racket, well >John this is for you. Your memory is HORRIBLE >considering you were expecting a large litter from the >Koko/Bess breeding and you were doing what? Trying to >sell pups that aren't registered and claimed to be >ADBA registered. This jog your memory John? > >----- Original Message ----- >From: >To: >Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 3:28 AM >Subject: Check out Pedigree 184219 > > >Pedigree 184219 > >due in march 2005. all red within one family for >several years. not exploited through commercial >marketing or big name kennel. over 50X wilder's red >satan in 10 generation, 12x kipling's sarona korihor >in 10 generation. USUALLY NONE FOR SALE. expecting >large litter and may have one or two available. bred >down clean and honest no temperament issues nor >unstable aggression confirmation solid. both sire and >dam are good producers of fine dogs. ADBA REG. MEDICAL >CERTIFICATE and any other validation provided. $500.00 >- $900.00 plus shipping through Delta Airlines. NO >GROUND TRANSPORT. > >H.F.B.A. >John I was just in the ADBA office today talking to >Patty about the SLC Terrier Assocation BBQ and still >to this date those OFBA dogs you own have no papers >and aren't registered with any registry. Shame on you >for trying to run the same game Lano ran on you. Stop >trying to sucker people into thinking your dogs are >registered, luckily the person sent me the email and I >pulled his coat tail to the scam you were trying to >run. > >John wrote...You are a wannabe with no real purpose. I >tried to help you with some real realities regarding >your dealings with people who continue to be criminals >and a threat to the APBT BREED. Try being honest for a >change and give up your personal vices that make your >life so complicated and meaningless. > >** I'm a wanna be John? You remember when Mike P. went >to your yard to breed Shooter to Bess and Bess didn't >have a scratch on her? Remember that John? Then again >you are following in the footsteps of the CLOWNS in >your dog's pedigree. It's not hard to pick one John >just close your eyes and I promise you won't miss one >who had done the same. I don't think my life is >meaningless at all. I follow the same standards of >REAL DOGMEN and to take it a step further no dog will >get bred unless it's a WINNER or has produced WINNERS. >Unlike Koko Moe who was 15 pounds heavier than Heck >and could barely break the skin on a dog that wasn't >defending itself. How many litters you have had off >Moe now like 4 and how many winners? Remember this ad >for a 13 month old sire with no papers? > >For Sale >August 6 2003 at 4:25 PM >No score for this post John Hunt John Hunt (no login) >from IP address > >------------------------------------------------------- >------------------------- > > > > > > >Inbred old family red nose pups. 2 males 1 female. > >Copperhead [OFBA] >CoCo Moe >Scrap Yard Nikki > >[litter of 8]available September, deposit required >$500.00. > >Magnum 44 >Scrap Yard Nikki Magnum 44 >Little Kesha > >These are quality pups, good looking and very good >acting. $1,500.00. No negotiation, serious inquires >only. call 760 394 4181 california. >24 times Kipling Sarona Korihor >12 times Wilder Red Satan >White/Red color > >Once again John I love the way you tried to SUCKA >people out of hard earned money for what? > >John wrote... Get your priorities together and do the >right thing. Leave the Pit Bull project to those who >know what they are doing. You are not the one!!! > >** John I don't mind your babble. while you are >breeding dogs that haven't had a tooth in them I'm on >the verge of making HISTORY! While your dogs will >never have a suffix attached to their names I will >make sure EVERYTHING I breed does! This is what >seperates the Boss from the runners! The READY from >the raw. That butter soft leather in a MAYBACH to the >leather on the FONZE! Here is the crazy part >John...I've only BEGUN! > >IT ONLY GETS BETTER! > > > > > > >----- Original Message ----- >From: >To: JBAMMONS@MSN.COM >Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 5:50 AM >Subject: Check out Pedigree 108242 > > >Pedigree 108242 > >I notice none of the dogs in the first 4 generations >have titles nor or they mentioned at any great length >regarding quality and fitness. On top of that, I >understand that someone has finally pulled the cloak >of deceit from off the eyes of the fooled public. YOUR >DOG IS A PAPER HUNG MARKETING TOOL and once again >proving you are a sham and a racket. Try BLASTING that >reality into your brain with the hope you will feel >shame for being a crook and thief. Give up Julius. You >are a wannabe with no real purpose. I tried to help >you with some real realities regarding your dealings >with people who continue to be criminals and a threat >to the APBT BREED. Try being honest for a change and >give up your personal vices that make your life so >complicated and meaningless. Get your priorities >together and do the right thing. Leave the Pit Bull >project to those who know what they are doing. You are >not the one!!! John I don't know why I even bother you just don't get it and probably never will. Let's start with that pedigree you sent me. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> I see at the top of the ped you posted how many times Red Satan shows up, my question is why? The pedigree on the dog is incorrect for starters. Look at what Satan was bred to or better yet the owners of the females. How many performance breeders in that ped? How many breeders that won in the box? That will tell you the quality of those females. Just because a dog shows up a million times in a pedigree doesn't mean that dog will have those traits or act like that dog. For shits and giggles let's say Satan is bred as papered(I left my number we can get Mullins on 3-way). As papered he is a pure Hemphill dog (Geronimo/Red Dixie) so he should perform and produce traits of a Hemphill dog. Looking at the ped you gave me John just a ballpark guess there are over 50 CROSSES ATLEAST. Let me give you some food for thought, John every time you cross you lose the blood you are trying to preserve. The offspring are a combination of the two bloods. You probably have a better chance of JESUS knocking on your door than your dogs performing of having the traits of a Hemphill dog. The closest thing on your yard to a Hemphill dog is this one. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> The reason why is real SIMPLE! Geronimo and Red Dixie were born early 60's like 1961 or 1962. Both represented 40 years of Hemphill's breeding since he started breeding the Lightner dogs in 1927 until 1967. The only cross in Ruby is Ch.Spike which was done in 1977. Ch.Spike was 33% Hemphill so it was a linebreeding instead of a total outcross. It's 2007 so in the last 30 years the Hemphill/Norrod dogs have had one cross retaining the Hemphill blood but an improved version because of Spike's championship quality and ROM production ability. Now Ruby was bred to a Colby dog which at this point is a total outcross. Sure there is Colby in the Hemphill dogs but at this point you can't pull from that. Colby is so far back it's like saying all humans are related to Adam and Eve. Ruby was bred to a Colby dog so that’s two crosses in 30 years and two in 80 years if we go back to when Hemphill started in 1927. You need to stop littering the peds online data base with duplicate pedigrees too. There were already two pedigrees for the Colby dog Ruby was bred to. I also like the way you were quick to post the ADBA # on Sprocket and that Heinzl male. You also need to stop out right lying about your dogs being ADBA registered. There is an archive full of comments on several boards where you have made comments about Norrod and now you own a 1/2 Norrod dog? That alone says what kind of person you are. I also love what you said about Shooter and what I find funny all your make believe breedings have Shooter in them and his daughter Luna (THE CUR)! What does that say about you and your breeding program? John stop fooling yourself when it comes to those OFBA dogs. Those dogs are having a hard time doing the most basic function of a mammal...reproducing! Take a look at those peds John they are all crossed, criss crossed and staff crossed and you still can't get a decent sized litter. Remember what you said on the West Coast board about the only pup out of the Franco/Bess litter being deformed. Franco being the only pup in the litter also...John the stock is genetically inferior! Sorry to bust your bubble SENSITIVE PLAYER...U NEED A HUG! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |