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Subject: APBT on the COVER of DOG FANCY!

Joe Medina
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Date Posted: 14:14:04 03/30/07 Fri

It’s our special WORKING DOGS/FARM DOGS JULY issue, along with that we are having the AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER ON THE COVER!
The APBT will also be on the Cover dog, and our Main breed profile. There will be 7-10 pages of information solely devoted to your breed, including some wonderful photos. Usually we do not profile a breed again for another 5-7 years.
Over the years, it's been proven that potential customers interested in the breeds that we are featuring will buy that issue, hold on to it for months (and some times years) to come, use it as a reference guide, and when they are ready to purchase their new puppy rather than going into the current issue of DOG FANCY, they go back into the breed profile issue and find their breeder there.
One side benefit that the breeders who advertise in DOG FANCY often mention to us, is the fact that when they get a call from a potential buyer that found them in DOG FANCY, that buyer has usually taken the time to become well educated about the breed, and usually is or has been, a dog owner for many years. The direct advantage to you is that you have a buyer that understands the breed you are selling and you experience far fewer problems and a much smoother sale.
If you are not familiar with DOG FANCY, it is the most widely read dog-related magazine on the planet selling over 248,000+ copies each month throughout the United States and Canada. In addition it is distributed nationally to over 36,000 Veterinary offices free of charge.
**Remember that we maintain the exclusive distribution contracts into Petsmart, Petco, Petcetera, Pet Supermarket, and Superpetz--all major chains who do not sell puppies. Also at all major bookstores including Borders, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-million, etc....

Dog Fancy is the #1 dog magazine in the World, with Over 35 years strong, you can't go wrong.

Please contact me at the number below for the closing date.

Joseph Medina - Dog Fancy Magazine
Ph: (800) 546-7730 ext. 4137
Fax: (949) 588-5859
E-mail: jmedina@bowtieinc.com
Website: www.dogchannel.com

"A dog is the only thing on earth that will love you more than you love yourself."
-Josh Billings

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