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Subject: Its been a good run,thankyou to all who used it> | |
Author: BillyT Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 09:57:56 06/08/07 Fri Its been a good run and I appreciate all of you that used this board throughout the years. But like all boards this one will be heading for its last day which will be this Saturday. Its easy to see by the posts that it has outlived its time. Besides the fact that it had to be moderated as most boards are heading makes comeing to an empty board not worth the time and effort. On top of that I kept this board going and don't even have any dogs to boot. But its been a pleasure reading and learning from all of you that contributed your exsperiences. I want to offer a special thankyou to someone that has been with this board from the begining and helping it, getting it off the ground.Mike Norrod (his knownledge of the breed is second to none along with his devotion to the breed) Please don't ever take what he has to say for granted. I wish all of you good health and good luck with the dogs as things aren't looking any better for the breed. They may (the people wanting to make the breed extinct) but they will make it hard for anyone to own the breed. If I still had the dogs I could not afford to take care of them,(feeding,vets,chains,axels,houseing etc.etc. On top of all this haveing people in the animal control visiting ones yard anytime they want. For those that might not be aware of the fact that in just about any state one resides your name is listed with some form of law group. Throughout well over thrity plus years there has and still it bent on makeing the breed extinct. For those that have strived for gameness in thier dogs for as long as you had them Now not a minute latter is the time to give back what you all strived for. (gameness) but this time its you that must show game. Its also a time to stop the bashing of each other as by doing this your doing the work of those that have been trying to make the breed something extinct. Believe it or not but when they read posts and see the bashing and hard hitting each other they are sitting back and laughing at all of you. Again thanks to all,this board was ment to help all that had questions and wanted to hear the truth about the O.F.R.N.dogs of past and present. But I learned more then I ever thought myself.Take care and keep on keeping on. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |