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Date Posted: 01:27:33 01/16/07 Tue

Most roads I have been on are two way streets.
I suggest you do the same.
If you can't travel out then travel across to Can/Am.
Let me ask you a question.

How many generations have you been breeding without any champions?
You suggest i do the same ...who the fuk are you to tell me what to do ......where is can/am ??? ask me a question . do you wanna by a pup ???.............. typical american fashion insults without reason . who the fuk are you what have you done that is so special how long you been doing it how many gens have you bred how many rednose breedings have been made on peds alone . when you pull real hard you might hear a pop .that is the sound of your head being pulled out of your azz so use that time to realize when someone has a yard of dogs to take care of it might be hard to travel to do anything period .. danger is a juinor with two or three dogs if he wants to spout off about his BIG NUMBERS he should be able to travel to prove them . this is not about the foundation blood in his dogs this is about him stepping up to the plate and putting his insulting manner to rest ........liking me to a fuckin bindie is about as lowlife as anyone can go

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