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Date Posted: 16:21:36 01/21/07 Sun

>>Name drop? I posted handles, not names.
>>I just said I would come across.
>>You are the one with the excuse that you can't.
>>I posted where and with known top dog people.
>>No, I seeing if you will take the bait.
>>So far you are only nibbling at it.
>>Scratch and travel!................ you have me
>confused .. i have no use for your pinky for one for
>two it will still require to travel to go to alberta .
>remember this i take care of my yard only me not
>anyone else i have done the dogs by myself . there has
>never been a excuse from me rum contacted me 5 years
>ago .and being truthful to him i said i only had
>older dogs at the time ... 2 years later i contact rum
>. he tells me he only has older dogs not something
>young ....so it has been excuses to run into your
>friends .. pinky on the other hand is another story
>anybody who would run around and tell people he thinks
>i am a rat is a POS in my world ......... so set it up
>have a three way comp against me it will be like dean
>martin vs the three stooges .lol. lmao

Make it easy on yourself clown.
Name where you will travel too.
Name a handle to contact that is known.

You've dance around the issues.
Where did I say you needed to go into Pinky or Rum?

I SAID they could be the middle and spot.
Hell I'll meet you in Doug Canada's old stomping grounds.
Name it.
You were the one wanting to bust balls.
Get off a handle to contact and it is on.

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