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Date Posted: 11:15:50 01/28/07 Sun

>Name a handle to contact that is known.
>where do you get it that i know someone that you
>consider known ... if i could travel to america i
>wouldnt know anyone that is known ... it would be no
>different for me to dirve to america to do something
>than it should be from you to drive to canada and do
>something .......... this is a real kicker the only
>reason you want a piece is because of the ped i have
>..... if you were talkin about doug canada .i believe
>from north alberta .. no i dont know or met him i got
>the dogs a couple years after they showed peacemaker
>and go rocky . .. if you wanna see what i have bro my
>email has always been up . and yes i do know who you
>are you can stop in on your way to your friends fishin
>camp in alaska

>Name a handle to contact that is known.
>where do you get it that i know someone that you
>consider known ...
>and yes i do know who you
>are you can stop in on your way to your friends fishin
>camp in alaska

So what's the problem?
You so sure of yourself then why not make contact,
if you are so sure.

As far as traveling,
you don't have any problem that anyone else don't have.
I named top handles in your country,
so far you haven't named one to contact for the middle to deal with things of importance from anywhere!

Why email, so we can yak yak yak? Please I've got better things to do like being ready and making contact with your reference's handle.

ahhhhh you think to much or to little of your dogs to think it has anything to do with the pedigree.
I never seen a dog that knew how to read.

The real reason,
I've grown tried of you attacking statements made by others.
You finally made it around to something I had interest in.
I do believe the only reason why you made those remarks is because of their dog's pedigree.

The only reason why I brought up Doug's area is because it is neutral.
Doug has passed away many years ago so can't include him.

YKW so do it.

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