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Date Posted: 21:30:04 02/01/07 Thu

>>if you want some and are willing to travel .. do so or
>>shut up . you fail to realize if i could go to america
>>i would have no middle man . it would be just me and
>>you .........anyone else out there want some bring it
>>on ......... no i wont travel
>Well if it is your home turf and right to your
>how much difference in weight are you willing to give
>up and difference in odds?
>I mean, you have to make worth some one's while to
>give up such a disadvantage.

YKW why even bother wasting your time trying to get the Judge to prove a dog. In almost 20 years he hasn't done a damn thing. I WAS ALWAYS TOLD THE BEST PREDICTER OF FUTURE EVENTS IS PAST EVENTS...

To be honest it's quite tempting to pick up some easy money because I think the Judge is a MARK, an easy one at that.

Hey Judge remember this post you wrote.

« Reply #3 on Jan 28, 2006, 8:34pm »

Well Mixer we sure have missed you everyone needs a mentor sometimes .. i am trying to do my part in getting hard head some good bred dogs if they do or dont make ch i know the bloodline behind them is true and its like you have pointed out to make winners you have to cross bloodlines i like what has been said about danger but it also takes working knowledge to get to that point . myself i have never even tryed to enter top level comp there is no way i could condition the dogs buy time tested standards standards i dont have a clue about and then theres iv fluids and anti shock and all the other goodies that come along it kinda makes a counry boy like me wanna stay at home

I have to question your whole breeding program with comments like this. How are you testing dogs with no knowledge of conditioning and after care? What are you measuring these dogs against, each other? How many generations have you bred now with such standards, like 7 or 8?

Judge I really enjoyed you calling me junior. I got a real kick out of that one. It jogged my memory to the last time someone called me that. I had to go back to when THE REBEL and his wife Melvandine was calling my momma's house 22+ years ago...LOL! They liked to call me junior too...LOL!

I heard one of those males you got in the U.S. is in Cali. I got some of Danger's sons about the same weight real close. Why don't you give HardHead a call so he can prove your weed induced theories about gamedogs.

18 years of breeding.... 0 wins
breeding 8 geneartions... 0 wins
produced dogs that produced winners 0 wins
peddled dogs to peddlers that won 0 wins
-----------------------------------------------------------TOTAL................................. ZERO

Remember when I told you numbers don't lie. I got some good news for you. No Judge I didn't save money on my car insurance by switching to Geico. YOU GOT NOWHERE TO GO BUT UP!...LOL!

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