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Author: jrb Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 08:44:04 02/02/07 Fri And again danger how many times do i have to say there is nobody in my area with dogs .. you dont seem to understand that do you .. after i got the dogs the people who had tham quit . and also i moved to another part of the country .. the people they did things with also quit and i never met them anyway .. just because i havent gone into someone who thioks they are the top comp doesnt mean the dogs havent done things mr substandard ... and what about the dog i sent to flordia he had two wins and lost a third and died a week later from babesia .. and what about hard head he has one win with his dog i guess that dont count either . its pretty hard to get dogs out there when mixers friends mouth off about the dogs i have ppl like his pinky and now you yappin at his heals pretty easy for you asses to run a bloodline down with words .. lets see if your man enough to let the dogs talk for a change BRO either you or mixer dont matter .. you boys seem pretty upset when your cage gets rattled dont curl up like a whipped dog on me show ya got a pair [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |