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Subject: Re: Hey JRB!

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Date Posted: 13:18:41 02/06/07 Tue

why would you add to the list of people that try and degrade me for havin the bloodline i have

**More effects of the skunk bud huh? You can't seen to separate who is posting the different messages on this board. My comment was only about your America bashing. Re-read my post when you are sober.

you would question if i have something that would resemble what JRB was because i havent shown dogs into top known dogmen you shy away from 6 gens inbred

**Again, you have difficulty recalling who is posting which messages. Let me guess, all posts from "THOSE AMERICANS" come from the same person? There is an anti JRB club? Time to say nope to dope.

but you liked the dog spike enough (2 gens inbred} that you made up a fake ped to see if the stars lined up or not

**Hey Frenchy, If you check the archive of posts on this board, you will see that I already addressed that. I assembled a ped to compare how close the core Sarona dogs appeared in your peds as compared to the Judy bitch. No stars, no hocus pocus or pixie dust. Doing research, comparisons or verifying seems to be a concept you cannot grasp. Regardless, you didn't understand the first time it was explained to you so I'm sure it won't sink in this time. Seems that assembling that ped has stroked your ego somehow. Do you speak French?

and mallard what did you do in the last 20 years with apbt show your heart of gameness? while in that time i put 20 years into preserving your american bloodline ...

**What I have done has been chronicled in sporting magazines, confirmation magazines and websites. All you have to do is read. That one was easy.

mallard i was game before i found the dogs i also had enough intel to realize the thin line between preserved or lost ...

**All that has nothing to do with my post. My post was about your America bashing. Respond to that. You said you were going, so keep your word and go.

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