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Date Posted: 07:53:10 02/10/07 Sat

Watch what you say,as if you noticed boards that were
common placeat one time are gone or moderated.
This board is for the history of the ofrn dogs that are
I relize that the content of your posts is of another
nature so I ask both to keep the tone down,and the talk
about what the forum is about.
Please watch the curseing as I ask this so that this forum
is not taken down.I also relize that things get heated
and sometimes its hard to keep it low key.
I must say first to JRB-you been dedicated to the line you
have had for quite along time and know what you see in them
by now.A man don't waste all these years with one line and
as dedicated as you have been.I remember you explaining
about the situation your in.As far as any around you haveing
dogs.Its hard to have to use your own stock to find out the
questions you seek.
Mallard-I understand where you are also comeing from,and you
should relise that eyes watch these boards and when content
gets off the real subjeck those eyes strain deeper and look
for more of the content your spewing.
I've kept this forum running as its running longer then
I ever thought it would and I donot have any dogs anymore.
I could call in favors and have a yard full tommarrow but
its not going to happen.
But not sure if I mentioned it or not and not sure either
of you would care anyway.But most of the dogs being used
today that are doing good have all had a transfusion of
rednose blood added to them.I knew this for well over thrity
something years.But I never bothered to make any outs,
although many that have gotten pups from me have.
Its been over two years and its hard not to see dogs in
the back yard.
I'am not sure how things are where either of you reside but
for those that do have the breed down here in Fla is almost
getting to the point of not haveing it at all.If the law
makers had their way the dogs would be extinct or those that
kept them would have to have them spade or newterded.
Since I had my last dog I finally had the chance to find
answers to alot of questions that always got in my way.
Not going to post the answers but the rednose blood although
not in %%%%% of days gone by resides in many other
bloodlines of today's dogs,(BUT they will not show in many
of todays dogs pedigrees)Believe it or not its true.
JRB the blood you have is what I called new sorona blood
and the trouble dixie lu blood I had the old sorona blood,
but it would be considered old.The first dog I had of the
sorona blood was the redpepper bitch which had a black nose
while most of her line was rednose just like her daughter
widowmaker when I bred pepper back to Sorona Ke LO his real
name off trouble and dixie lu.
Like I said when the time came to part with the dogs this
is when time allowed and to find the answers that I knew
in the begining but was never a 100% sure.
All I can say is for those that are just getting into the
breed for whatever purpose learn the pedigrees and know the
people that have bred them correctly.
I never thought there was that many false pedigrees until
I took the time to get hold of the truth and those that
were straight shooters.
One thing for sure is many of those big names that had their
own bloodlines and many people looked up to fell way short
of what I and others had thought of them.
That is why I said so many times that there is not a man or
a woman alive that can say without a doubt how their dog
is really bred.
And for what its worth the sorona dogs are for real,they
might be less in many aspeccks then dogs of other lines
but then there is no bloodline that has it all and no
breeder that had the best there was.
For every corner that you turn there is always something
One thing and I'll close,no matter what one breeds or picks
up after that is the best they have not the best there is.
So again please watch what you say and how you say it.

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