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Date Posted: 09:39:56 02/12/07 Mon

>well bro if you had to work for a living and spent the
>rest of the time on the dogs blaa blaa ... you want
>terms before you travel . whats wrong with 5 lbs up
>hill for me if i use a blackmask and if rednose dog
>for dog .. remember this i am a sportsman not a gambler

What makes you think I don't work for a living.
Try it, you might like honest money.

The more you post the more foolish you sound.
Besides coming to your doorstep you want me to give 5 lbs.

These kind of posts show you never did the game or you would know you can't have everything your way.
You want someone to travel long distance and you won't give term's. You want a person to come to your doorstep.

Now if you knew how to read and understand writing you could read old mags and books from the pass and see where terms were always given for travel.

Black mask?
You sure there isn't Mt. Curs Coon Dog bred into that line you are feeding?
That is the only breed of dog I ever heard referred to as black mask dogs.

You've had to played the sport to be a sportsman.
Scared man can't gamble and a jealous man can't work.
Dam son I'm still waiting for the name of the stake holder besides working out $.
What are you thinking, we doing it for free?

Jester Rambling Bumbler,
you have proved you know nothing about the game or ever done anything.

You need to walk the walk if you are going to talk the talk about someone Else's dogs...

You should be in politics you sure know how to side step the issues.

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