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Date Posted: 08:17:07 02/15/07 Thu

>you are a ignornant selfish jerk ..

ahhh a person who speaks from his own personal experience!

>i said i will give
>up 5 lbs ...why do you have to twist around what
>people say .

Maybe if you had the ability to express yourself in manner in which someone could comprehend your retard expressions then people wouldn't twist around only what you say, not all others.
So now you are saying if I come in your area I could have a 5 lbs. weight advantage? For 5k 47m to a 42m? sound good?
Now all we need is a handle of someone to hold half.

>this my last post so if you want some than
>bring it or shut up about what i do ..

Ya, ya, ya bla bla bla, we have heard that before.
Talk about trying to switch up what others say.
I'll choose.........................TO BRING IT.
Middle please?

>i orginally
>said to danger to bring something and you bring your
>pathetic additude and all your crap .

I not asking for anything, besides pity from anyone or self sorrow. You were the one being pathetic by whining about not being able to travel and no help and all the other lame excuses you have to piss and moan about.

And if you are doing the calling out, as you did with Danger, then why not load up your mutts and go to his place since you are the one asking him to prove what he says?

You are such a pitiful excuse for a dogman you have made it so now for anyone to get a shot at one those mutts, a person has to travel right to your door.
Well I guess to get you to do anything you would have to be backed right into your house because there no place left for you to run!

>peacemaker was a
>blackmask dog he gave up 8 lbs to win in america in 55
>and did a win in canada in 30 against a boomerang
>maloney cross ...

So you say but no one can verify those claims.
It is just another one of your BS stories of ancient history.
And also you are talking about what someone Else might have done and not anything one of your mutts were suppose to have done.

>yes blackmask judgeroybean blood
>come and get it or leave it alone .

Blackmask blood?
Is that suppose to be a bloodline or something?
Do you think that is a strain?
Like I said, sounds more like a breed known as MT. Curs Coon Dogs. I'll take all you've got. Name the handle of the middle.

>i didnt even read
>your post all i could tell is your taking another turn

You should have, then you might know what you are talking about.
No turn here. You are trying to make it so hard to do anything with you that it is like pulling teeth!
I'm getting tired of wasting my time with a greenhorn who is being so childish wanting everything his way I no longer could see where it was heading. It surely wasn't headed to anywhere anything could reasonably take place.

>you say i disrespect other people dogs well i
>have never called anyones dogs currs only the idiots
>who have them and yourself you are acting like one of
>them ...

Once again you run your mouth but aren't willing to leave home to prove anything that spills out of that anus you call a mouth. If what say is true, come get some of that easy money.
Half way, even up, pound for pound.

>i dont ever want to hear the people with
>sarona Curr out to you because there is the offer to
>try your luck .. and all you can do is yap
>blaablaablaa ...theres no sence in reposting i wont
>read it so if you do its only to keep your peanut
>gallery happy

Hey cry baby, you already have curred out!
Making someone come directly to your doorstep to kick ass!
There doesn't have to be any luck involved with the kind of dogman you are.

If you think those mutts are so great or you are such a fable dogman then why got come our way? To our place?
Hell I thought I was being polite and fair meeting half way, on YOUR SIDE! Since you were the one doing the talking and was doing the asking.

I have grown way pass being tired of your BS.
You've stated you know is responding to you, take it private, bring it directly. Still waiting.
You were the one talking smack about someone Else's dogs and bloodline, now continue on and don't cur out now.
Be a dogman and finish what you asked for!!

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