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Subject: YKW I think you and JRB are waisting time and energy tradeing punches

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Date Posted: 05:43:12 02/24/07 Sat

This on going feud is going nowhere.I know who JRB is but
not who you are nor the dogs you own.I'am sure others that
feel the same would at least like to know what line of dogs
your useing,feeding,picking up after,breeding,etc etc:
As far as the dance you both want to go to seems as though
its wishful thinking.If I read the post correctly both of
you are as far from one another as two can be.
Consider the fact that things pertaing to the subject at
hand is illegal in all states,with most being a felony.
Now with that in mind think about the worse thing that can
come out of this if it were to happen.For every state you
cross you would be charged with some sort of intent law,and
that is not takeing into account crossing the boarder into
another country where the laws might be harsher.
What where talking about is alot of loss for either of you.
So I ask why the waist of time punching the keys on the p.c.
There is no such thing as the best there is.Although there
is the best you can own but not the best there is.As the
title to being the best there is would mean to go to a
dance contest and win against all the dancers from all over
not leaveing anyone out.
You also mentioned GR>CH>BUCK who was a top dancer but not
the best.
Something learned-no matter how good a dancer is there is
always something better,it all boils down to which corner
one turns as that is where the better dancer lurks.
I relize useing letters for a call name keeps others in the
All I'am trying to say is eyes are looking at these posts
and trying to figure who you are and if and when the dance
is comeing off.
If either wants to committ to the dance then this is not the
place to call the shots.
Use the e-mail to call each other out.Nobody can say who has
the best dancer without music.
Just watching or warning either that the subject matter is
illegal and is not worth the time and effort.
Again if either persists use the e-mail.
I said it many times all one has to do is look back in the
past as to how many boards are gone.And it is all because
of the dancers allowed on the forums.
This forum is about the history of the so called what was
There is alot of history behind these dogs that others would
indeed like to know about.

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