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Subject: :} Email from Reddog

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Date Posted: 11:47:43 03/01/07 Thu

Now are you done grandstanding on the House of Bullshit board?

You don't know who is involved and need to mind your own business.
From what I read JRB won't leave his house, the other is willing to travel but doesn't see why not half way.
Your post makes it very clear you weren't raise around the dog game because in the old days we use contracts.

Do dogs over a handshake or few bags of dog food?
Don't post, you made a fool of yourself!
No one 30 years ago did this for that amount.
Maybe your local wannabes did but not the real players.
I know, I was there unlike you.

This was a message from a so-called reputable dog man. I find it funny that this person who claims to have been there in the DAY, can't fathom what went on. Although there were those that liked high stakes, there were the same that did it for the dog, not ego. Now saying that, in my previous post there was nothing wrong in saying what I said, guess some hate the truth. Now coming from a family of dog men from Scotland and Ireland, I think I have learned a few things and first and foremost is, those that holler the loudest have the most to lose and they also are kennel blind and will have an excuse everytime the outcome does not favor them. There is no such, pure family red nose blood, it was watered down years ago, put into some of the best dogs of yester year, including pedigrees that do not show it. Now, Red Dog seems to think that know one knows anything but him, guess he has vision unlike no one else. I could go on, but I will leave it to real dog-men like the great Red Dog, best kennel in the world. Everyone, everyday has something new to learn about these dogs. Now I do not dispute that he has put a lot of time and effort into his dogs, but so have so many others and there dogs are as good as the next......

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