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Date Posted: 11:46:06 07/01/06 Sat >i WONDERED WHY THIS LITTERMATE BROTHER TO GERONIMO II >HAS NEVER BEEN DISCUSSED VERY MUCH, even THOUGH he is >A CLEAN SPECIMEN OF THE OLD FAMILY RED NOSE blood, >DOWN from THE GERONIMO X RED DIXIE BREEDING ... >**As a stud dog, he may have not been discussed very >much, due to the limited breeding exposure. When >there is limited information about a dog, I tend to >look at what breedings the owner performed. This can >give you some idea of what direction the owner saw fit >to take the dog too. If the dog is worthwhile, a >gamedog breeder will take it to competitive, working >blood. If anything worthwhile comes of that game-bred >litter, the dog will usually be in demand. You should >see additional breedings. >In hindsight, a look back should then reveal some >consistent winners behind the various breedings. If >the dog was not worthwhile he would not have been used >much. >The only point of reference on Cochise is that he was >bred once, to a ¼ Staff dog. > >MARTIN CEASAR, AN OFFSPRING OF COCHISE, HAS BEEN >PLAYED DOWN BY JUST A FEW BREEDERS, WHO USUALLY ARE >WORKING WITH OTHER LINES AND BASE THEIR CONCLUSIONs ON >SPECULATION ... >**I was around when Martin Ceasar offspring where >being tried. >There were some people using OFRN blood that liked >this cross, as compared to most straight OFRN dogs of >that time, the Ceasar offspring had a stronger >constitution. >A cross will typically add vigor and I think some >breeders of that time believed the vigor provided by >Topsey Turvey was an improvement and therefore, bred >it back into the OFRN blood. >Personally, I think that when you are going to breed >back into a bloodline, you should use blood with a >history of producing good prospects, from a proven >subject. >The blood should be the best available, as you are >looking to improve the future of your bloodline. >Based on the breeding choice and then the historical >information available on the various offspring, it >looks as if the greatest, most consistent contribution >by Martin Ceasar was to the Tufftown line of UKC >show-stock. > >The folks who were trying to use straight OFRN stock >in the late 70’s and early 80’s as combatants, knew >that the line needed a little boost. Instead of >Topsey Turvey, I would have liked to have seen a cross >that would have had a chance to continue producing >good dogs down the road and not just a one-time vigor >shot that had some staff blood. > >I tried to stimulate a conversation once, when I >pretended to turn back time and asked the board what >they would have bred to Hemphill’s Geronimo, with the >intent of bringing that offspring back into their OFRN >line. Interestingly enough, nobody responded by >saying Topsey Turvey. > >When these Martin Ceasar offspring were being tried in >the sporting arenas, they were not top end. More >importantly, they were not producing competitive dogs. > That’s why outside of some OFRN hopefuls, nobody used >it. I have SDJ’s ranging from the early 70’s to the >late 80’s. There are few Martin Ceasar dogs in that >entire span of time. > >History cannot be changed. >One thing that bugged me back in the late 70’s was the >smug UKC show people that acted like they had >something really special with their Tufftown dogs. >Of course they were against dog-fighting because they >owned a bunch of curs, but when they talked about >their dogs, they spoke with this inner smugness and >floated the word “Hemphill” as if it was an earned >medal. This was back when the first Stratton book had >just been out for a little while and the tufftown >crowd took great pride that “Hemphill” blood was in >their stock, even though their breedings and >intentions would have made Bob Hemphill turn over in >his grave. LOL ... BOY YOU SURE HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT EVERYTHING WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE ... THOSE TIME PERIODS YOU CLAIM TO BE SO UP ON IS A DAM LIE ... YOU TOLD ME YOURSELF YOU WERE CLEANING DOG CRAP FOR A GUY THAT LATER COLD QUIT THE DOG HOBBIE ... YOU GOT ONE DOG ... THATS A PET OWNER ... YOUR THINKING IS BASED ON INFORMATION NOT FACT ... THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE ... SIMILIAR TO PROPAGANDA ... YOUR HISTORY DIALOUGE IS YOUR OPINION ... WE ALL HAVE THAT ... [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |