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Date Posted: 17:34:06 09/01/06 Fri

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://searkkennels.blogspot.com">http://searkkennels.blogspot.com</a>

We hoped and needed your help to fight this class of bad people. Thanks.

Send us your history about this SWINDLED please and I will add and to publish here, them all people can to see the real man that is BILL BARNES OF SEARK KENNELS.

Testimonies of other people swindled by Bill Barnes de Seark Kennels:

1º - What up Paco, this is Regis from D-RailedKennels I was woundering if you were a victim of Bill also. He got us for $1600 for two dogs that were suppose to be off of carmen/blindbilly and apache/stormy.

2º- HesAThief (no login) He almost got me too! August 19 2006, 9:47 PM I wanted to buy some pups from a particular breeder whom he says he knows real well, apparently he told me he new the breeder real well and that he doesnt sell nor ship pups/dogs. he then said he could get the pups for me as he knows him real well. he wanted me to send him alot of money upfront so he can drive some hours to pick the pups up and ship it to me. Luckily i didnt! I found out from another source that this breeder does sell and ship.Watch Out!! For SEARK....he is a thief!!

3º- Care, can be that your you are the next one swindled.

4º- ..........

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