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Subject: Re: FTJ and the rest of the bashers | |
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Date Posted: 08:55:32 09/29/06 Fri NORROD DOGS ARE 99% CURS BRED BY A REAL PUNK AZZHOLE MIKE NORROD>>>>>Dude you need to do your homework on these dogs >>>before >>>>>you speak of how you think they're bred . Research >>>ie. >>>>>gathering rumors from Norrod haters aint going to >>>find >>>>>you the truth . Personally i'm not a hater or a >>crony >>>>>of IM's .It's easy to hate on the man because he's >>>>>controversial, argumentative , and sometimes a real >>>>>pain in the ass but like it or not his dogs are >bred >>>>>as papered in my opinion because i've done my >>>homework >>>>>not got myself caught up in the bullshit . I've >bred >>>>>to his Red Devil studs twice and watched the >litters >>>>>grow up . I have the dog Red Scout and watched him >>>>>grow up . I've found thru personal experience that >>>the >>>>>Hemphill dogs IM use to breed and the Red Devil >dogs >>>>>he continues to use have no similarities in >>>appearance >>>>>, working styles , movement , or mannerisms . The >>>only >>>>>things they have in common are the breed type . >That >>>>>is doing homework , not getting on here running at >>>the >>>>>mouth doing jealous hating . >>>>> Believe me i'm not sticking up for the guy in fact >>>>>we've had our differences , but to talk about dogs >>>>>being hung or of low quality before personally >>>working >>>>>with them shows a lack of understanding on your >part >>>. >>>>> The rest of this hating and dry snitching and >>>>>controversy is ignorant and harmful to everyone on >>>>>this board . Take this to heart and stop this >>bashing >>>>>bullshit in public . Got a problem with IM or >Danger >>>? >>>>>Call them directly and hash it out , they are men >>>that >>>>>will handle themselves in anyway you approach them >. >>>>>IM and i had differences , didn't put it out >>publicly >>>>>and took care of it . Danger is the same way . Do >>>>>everybody a favor and squelch this internet shit >and >>>>>grab the phone if you have a beef . >>>> >>>> >>>>LOL! Kinda hard to dry snitch a guy that is calling >>>>people out in public on a public forum dont ya >think? >>>>Seems to me that he is the one trying to get people >>in >>>>trouble through his lame public attempts. You and a >>>>hundred more of you can try and come to his rescue, >>>>but all one has to do to find the truth is read what >>>>has been written. People shouldnt use the term >>snitch >>>>so loosely without taking a good long, non-bias look >>>>at whats in front of them. >>> >>> >>>Point was about all the shit slinging on here and >>>posting of people's names . What's the point of all >>>this bashing ? Can any of the accusations made here >be >>>proven about pedigrees ? Of course not , all that can >>>be done is homework with the animals and hopefully >>>they will reflect their ancestry . Personally i >>>wouldn't bet a whole helluva lot on ANY pedigree >being >>>100% accurate . Feed the ones you like , hope the >peds >>>are fairly accurate and stop the bullshit . If you >>>want to bash do it directly . If you own more than >one >>>housedog this type of negative publicity is >>>detremental to your future ownership . Not trying to >>>stick up for anybody just trying to throw out some >>>reasoning for cooler minds . Take it for how it was >>>intended >>Norrod dogs are weak bred curs that have all QUIT on >>me and should be culled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > > >sounds like someone got loose from the looney bend... >don't use me as a format for your view points... >don't use me to prove a point that only you believe... >FTJ [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |