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Subject: and what of the next generation?

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Date Posted: 11:37:35 11/17/06 Fri

As the remnants of OFRN dogs continue to be used and bred, significant contributors are being found further and further back in the pedigrees.

I was taught (and have seen) that one way to capture the characteristics of a specific line or subject, is to use blood that has significant contributors as close as possible in the pedigree.

Geronimo II has been gone for a long time. It is not realistic in this present day, to find GII up close in many pedigrees. One generation from now (human, that is) it will not be possible to find GII even in the 4th or 5th generation, unless it is done by using A.I. from frozen semen.

I believe it is possible that years from now, a newer generation will look at the Hemphill remnants they have inherited from us and critique the decisions and moves we have made, much as we have done when studying the likes of Wilder, Browne, Sitzes, Pritts, etc.

What will our legacy be? Will we leave them something workable and authentic? Will anything by then represent what they were intended to be? Will the future doggers look back and see that we applied true practices or that we made pretty pedigrees with no proven foundation stock?

There are very few living animals that have Hemphill bred dogs close enough in a pedigree, that can claim any kind of true genetic influence from Hemphill blood; therefore, we have no choice then but to study the pedigrees down from real Hemphill stock in order to determine which of GII’s descendents are the best subjects to work with.
Some were worthwhile. Some were not.

From the names mentioned above, some were active in matching dogs, some were hobby breeders, some were peddlers. Some made game crosses and some infused staff blood.
The problem here is that there were so many different directions taken after GII was gone, that we are sometimes forced to work with stock that maybe isn’t so great.
We end up having to choose a line that is perhaps “less damaged” as compared to whatever else available.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, we are left with what we have. It is what it is.
Fortunately, there are still remarkable remnants left. With a little homework (well, actually a lot of homework), we can find offspring of GII close enough in some pedigrees where if we follow solid practices, perhaps we can still produce some offspring that are close to the mark. I say this now because 20 years from now, the blood won’t be close enough to capture the intent of the original breeder. You can’t do that with most of what’s out there now.

As your experience and reasoning allows, make the best choices you can. Don’t let your ego make you stick with something that isn’t working. Don’t make so many untested breedings that you’ve gotten so far behind, that you have no idea what you are working with and are counting on the pedigree to work itself out.

Look at your pedigrees. Look at the OFRN dogs you have bred or used. Can you hold your head high and honestly say that you have developed proven contributors? What the next generation ends up with is our responsibility. Let’s not let them down.

Lastly, for those willing to share, are there any yards that have dogs who have Geronimo II showing close in their pedigrees (4th generation)?

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