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Gino Nardozzo
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Date Posted: 20:36:11 12/03/06 Sun

>... WHY? ... U GOT 2 B KIDDIN ... LOL

My Princess reg ADBA and DNA recorded as Norrod "Hemphill Princess" -Pedigree Online info is wrong. I have the papers but Princess just passed this summer Sierra is still around. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/centralvalley">http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/centralvalley</a> I do not go to message boards whatsoever -I just happen to Google my name-LOL.

Good luck with the dogs and Happy Holidays -I refuse to sell dogs at this time but Kirk of Alias Kennels made a one of a kind breeding where I will be taking Tigers semen to the proven bitches. That breeding is the cross of the truest bred families and actually in the fewest number of hands-look at not just the Hemphill-COLBY goes back to the genesis of dogs in America! Since 1991 I have only bred 3 generations. I have seen rank beginners starting from the net in '95 have so many generations and bogus titles let alone pedigrees that are so far wrong its made everyone sick where I understand men like Bob Wallace said the dogmen of today dont deserve the dogs we will leave behind! we havent lost hope in our dogs -its the people. These dogs dont owe you a million dollars, fame or "money back" no one really ever made money from dogs until the seventies, you would be fortunate if a dog paid for itself after you bet on him and later studded him!

...this isnt from the bullshit riff-raff Tudor and then Carver beginning of the end

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