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Date Posted: 22:28:34 12/31/06 Sun

! All you have to do is dig through some pedigrees and you tell me if all the WINNING OFRN dogs in the past 10 years don't have a "N" in their prefix. I ain't talking about some crossed OFRN dogs but pure. I have seen a ton of breedings on this board and you tell me how many are off OFRN winners or producers of OFRN winners? Hell I have seen breeders who have been breeding OFRN dogs for 20+ years and you can't get a pup today off a WINNER! DAMN sure can't get one who has produced pure OFRN WINNERS! What does this tell you about the state of OFRN dogs? With this being said how can you knock the BREEDER of more WINNERS, CHAMPIONS and ROM dogs? The next time you wanna knock someone before you do look at the breeder of your dogs and ask yourself how many WINNERS did they PRODUCE!................................
. I ain't talking about some crossed OFRN dogs but pure...... so are you sayin there is such a thing as pure ofrn when all rednoses do have some blacknosed ancestors .... so the rednosed dogs i have are not pure??? .... and also i have asked time and time again to bring something and no takers is it because you have not seen what i have so you cant pick and chose your opponents that you think you can beat ..... sorry to say danger but you are also adding to the down fall of the ??? pure ofrn with short sightedness and the disabilty to see past the n factor ... now i dont wanna hear a bunch of grand standing and how much cash you paying out . remember everything aside i am your comp reguardless if i am in america or a candaian but i still have not seen anyone step up to the plate ... i have heard a lot of how much of a piece of shit i am . i meen starting with a disfunctional showdog bloodline . but all the shit talkers are from america . you would think with the 10.000 real dogmen ? in america they would be pleased to take down just 1 canadian

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