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Subject: Re: This is a hung pedigree | |
Author: Harlem Brown Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 14:38:13 04/02/06 Sun This is Sol Mike Paige aka Mallard. >More of your lies Renee? > >Before responding to his post, I reviewed my old >e-mails, just to make sure my story would be straight. > > >I came to know Renee, as I was looking to buy a >treadmill in order to shape my Shooter dog for an ADBA >show and was then planning on taking him for his first >swim after that. Renee had a treadmill posted for >sale, so we made contact. I ended up buying a >different mill but through our conversations and >e-mails, he offered me two young prospects for free. >One was the Rum Cola bitch (Clemmreaux) and the other >was a male out of the Yogi dog. All Clemmons stock. > >He claimed he was getting out of dogs and was washing >his hands clean of the game. Things were too hot and >he was thinking about moving out of state. Since >Shooter was my only male at the time (and I drove all >the way to Texas to get him), I wanted something out >of him in the event that he was lost during his swim, >so I took the bitch. Again, my intent was to get pups >out of him in case I lost him. Since he was getting >out, one of the things that Renee made clear was that >he did not want the bitch back. I have an e-mail >stating this. In fact, the male that I previously >mentioned went to a friend of mine (RM). If I had >taken the male, he would have been free. Since Renee >did not know RM, the price for the male was set at >$200.00. >RM told me that Renee said the exact same thing to >him, “I’m getting out and I don’t want the dog back”. >RM can testify to this. The dog was sold to RM and >put down just a few days later. > >Meanwhile, the bitch I received was in horrible shape. > She was underfed and had a severe skin condition all >around her neck. I have “before” and “after” type >pictures that demonstrate her condition as she was >received. She had already been bred by Renee once >prior to coming to me. Renee mentioned that there was >some disagreement with the person he was dealing with >over the bitch’s first litter and that he ended up >killing all the pups. I got the bitch healthy and >bred her to Shooter. > >There are quite a few on this board that know me. I >do what I say and I say what I mean. >I tell it straight and I’m a stickler for details. I >will help anyone that I can. I openly share and >contribute as much as possible. I have sold two pups >in my entire life-time. All others have been kept by >me or placed with doggers that would do right by them. > > >As time went on with Renee, there were some peculiar >things that were beginning to happen. > >For a fellow who said he was getting out of dogs, he >certainly had a keen interest in my Shooter dog. A >few days ago, I reviewed some of the typed pedigrees >he was sending me (from that time), where he was >incorporating my Shooter dog into his breeding >program. Mostly to his Sorrells bred dogs. He was >also sending me pedigrees with Shooter, bred to dogs >that he did not even own (associates of his). He then >went as far as to set up arrangements for Shooter to >go out on swims, without even consulting me first! >Mind you, this was with other people I had not even >met or heard of. He acted as if the dog was his. >When I discussed this with him, he came back with >lumped sarcasm. > >Then there were these other “mishaps” that were >happening. >Renee has a dominant personality, which is fine but he >also doesn’t manage his anger very well. It is my >opinion that his religious teachings shape much of his >decision making process. As he told me several times, >his version of Islam teaches that white people are >“devils”, therefore, whenever there was a disagreement >or misunderstanding between he and I, his view was >that it was caused by the fact that I am white. >That is, he believed it was within my nature (as a >Caucasian) to commit certain behaviors; therefore, >what should have been just a miscommunication was >chalked up to the fact that I was white and that I had >these in-born horrible motivations. >In fact, everything seemed to be someone else’s fault >with Renee, but it usually came back to the fault of >white people. For example, he expressed that he had a >hard time working with Latinos. He blamed that on >white people. Renee said that because of the history >of slavery in this country, as well as other forms of >discrimination against blacks, that Latinos would not >respect him. I was patient with all this for a while. > He once admitted that he needed a friend to help >“keep him in check”, but I wasn’t looking for that >kind of relationship with someone. I assume surround >myself with positive types. > >As I said before, he stated that he was getting out of >the dogs. He also said that he didn’t want the bitch >back (verbally and in an e-mail). He told RM the same >thing concerning the male. > >“He was to send me back a pup from this litter in >which he did not do.” >***That’s a lie. If you wanted a pup, all you would >have needed to do was ask. I would have gone as far >as to split the litter with you. You never asked for >a pup and said you were getting out of dogs. > >“I told him that I will give him the dog only if she >was to stay with him. >And that if he want her just for the breeding I >offered to give him the breeding and keep most of the >litter and that she would just stay on my yard. He >said he would keep her, and gave me his WORD that he >would and that if he were to get rid of her she was to >come back to me” >***Yet another lie. You washed your hands of her. >You stated clearly did not want her back. It’s in >writing and you made the mistake of saying the exact >same thing to someone else. Although it was never >discussed, I did take her with the intent on keeping >her. She was a real sweetheart. As other blood >became available, I was not going to use more than 50 >to 25 percent of the Clemmons blood on my yard, so >there was no need to keep her. The first option is >that the dog always goes back where it came from. I >didn’t offer her back to you because you said and >wrote up front that you didn’t want her back. > >“but after this gyp whelped and wheened her pups at 5 >1/2 weeks he put her up for sale” >***For the reasons stated, I decided not to keep her >and you had already said that you didn’t want her >back. I offered her to RM for free and he didn’t want >her. I posted her, hoping that somebody would have an >interest in the blood. Had you have said up front >that you wanted her back if I decided not to keep her, >she would have gone back to you immediately and she >would have never been offered to RM for free or posted >on the net. > >“I demanded my dog back in which he returned”. >***This reminds me of something else. Some months >ago, your previous lie against me was that I stole >that Clemmons female from you. Some on this board saw >that post. >You went as far as to use fake e-mail addresses, so >that you could write me and use all your filthy race >driven attacks, while enjoying anonymity. RM figured >you out faster than I did, but I still was cautious, >so when I received that female from you, I copied the >ADBA certificate that YOU SIGNED over to me, before I >sent it to the ADBA. That means I have proof that you >signed her over. I also copied the ADBA certificate, >which had the bitch in MY NAME, before I signed her >back over to you. How could those transactions have >taken place if I stole her? Once you realized that I >could prove you wrong (as I can now), you stopped >posting that lie and made up another. I had no >problem retuning the female to you. All you had to do >was make up your mind what you wanted to do. > >It was obvious that you were never getting out of dogs. >You didn’t want those Clemmons dogs and you attempted >to use them as a bargaining chip to try and get into >some Butcher Boy blood. Instead of being up-front, >you tried conning your way in. You tried through a >supposed obligation to gain what you wanted. >As your con didn’t work, you became more frustrated >and angry and ultimately, this is how you chose to >handle it. The only reason you wanted the Clemmons >bitch back was because you wanted another bargaining >chip. >Or maybe, because of your race issues you thought you >needed to approach getting a pup the way you did? > >Well I’ll tell you what… >Maybe you really believe in what you are saying. >If that’s true, I would be willing to show you your >own correspondence, proving what I’m saying! I would >also have you speak with RM, so that he can remind you >of the same words you told him. If you want the >truth, I can demonstrate it. >If the truth means something to you, I can prove that >you are mistaken. > >On the other hand, if you just want to be pissed off >because of the outcome of things, then be pissed off. >You can walk around saying I’m a dog thief or cheater >to anyone misguided enough to listen to you. If I >hurt you in some way, talk to me about it. If we have >something to settle, let’s get it settled how you >want. What’s happening now is that you keep putting >out these kinds of posts about me that are not true. >I think you can do better than that. I’ve seen the >other side of you Renee. You have some great >redeeming factors, but when you get angry you go off >the deep end. Let’s get it settled! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |