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Subject: Re: This is a hung pedigree

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Date Posted: 21:09:12 04/03/06 Mon

>P.S. If you were so right.....then why did you give me
>the dog back

**There was no reason not to give her back to you. If someone decides not to keep a dog, the dog in question should be first offered back to the person they got the dog from. The only reason I didn't offer her back to you before I offered her to RM for free or posted her on the web, was because "up front", you said you didn't want her back. I have your e-mail stating this. You saw her posted on-line and then wanted your bargaining chip back. You flip-flopped on your desicion. She was still with me, so I gave her back. Gee, I think I did the right thing!

>I signed the papers over to you when I gave her to you and after I saw what you were doing and requested her back because you went >back on your word you signed her back over to me.
**Saw what I was doing? I had the opportunity for better blood and didn't need to keep her. I didn't have to give her back to you. You're here spinning tales but in fact, I demonstrated the highest degree of integrity. Again, you said you didn't want her. RM didn't want either. You saw her posted and then changed your mind. You said you had a good home for her and I gave her to you.

>Now, anybody that was in the right would not have done
** So you're saying I should have said no to you and sold the dog?

You was wrong and deceitful in the way you acquired her
from me by not keeping your word as a stand up man.
**One of us has it wrong con-man, and it's you. This same kind of story has re-occured and followed you from coast to coast. Again, my offer stands. If the truth means something to you, you may review your own correspondence if you wish. RM also remembers what you told him. Door is open. Show some integrity! You know what I'm about, so there is no reason not to get together.

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