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Subject: Re: Gibson's Zeus

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Date Posted: 08:21:58 04/20/06 Thu

>Is this dog still alive and at stud?

Yes, he's still alive and back home. I farmed him out to Richard/Tejas pits for about a year and a half due to issues I was having out here in ca. As for him being at stud, I am not sure. Richard tried to have him collected before sending him back and said there was zero sperm and he had no desire to breed. He was dehydrated when I received him, most likly due to the Texas heat... I have spoke with a few AI specialists about that,(I work in the research field), and they said that there should have atleast been some deformed or dead sperm cells, not zero, so I chalked it up to dehydration... Well after almost two years of him being back home, he's strong and horney again and has sired a litter. There was only one male pup in the litter, but that could have been for a couple of different reasons. The bitch he bred hadn't gone into heat for near two years and was almost 11, so I thought she was done. Well one day she came into heat and I didnt notice it. These two are kept together as they have always been since receiving them from my friend Dan Gibson. I assume he bred her too early, as they were separated when I noticed the spotting, resulting in the one pup litter. I'm almost certain because this happened in the past when I wasn't sure of the day she ovulates. The female from that first litter(<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=121923)">http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=121923)</a> went back to Dan and was used in his breeding program. Or it could have been low sperm count due to his age. These two typically have smaller sized litters in the 3-5 range and 6 being large for her. I am going to have to have him collected and a sperm count done to see where he stands.

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