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Author: Danger Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 00:01:17 05/05/06 Fri >Congratulations Jewels! > >Excellent. Thanks Mallard! The credit goes to Iron Mike for having the common sense and hindsight for creating Hemphill dogs that can compete to this very day. Sillydogman the best you could come up with was "porch monkey"? How creative and imaginative are you? You were better off just calling me a "nigger". I'm going to show you how us "porch monkeys" think and how you can never take their word for anything. I'll use a modern day dog owned by a "porch monkey" you might be familar with that made a ripple in the dog game. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> He was instrumental in the breedings that made Tab a ROM. You didn't have to take his word on anything the dogs TALKED for him. Now the part I like is "porch monkeys" kind of think alike. Nine months ago I bred Danger to a Tab bred female owned by a "porch monkey". Here is the ped to her 1/2 brother who by the way is the 2005 Dog Of The Year! <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> Her littermate brother also impressed me, here is his ped. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> The pups are 7 months old now. All rednose and super acting. In about a year they will be able to TALK where you don't have to take my word on anything. Here is another breeding I did with Danger. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> The "porch monkey" who owns Pearl was so impressed by Danger I couldn't get a pup! Those pups are about 4 months old now. I don't need to say a word in a year or so they will be able to TALK just fine. A couple of days ago I received a long awaited email from a kennel(ran by a "porch monkey") setting up a tentative breeding with my female. <a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> The Gr.Ch. for the planned breeding is probably the best Midnight Cowboy dog EVER! J. Abraham("porch monkey") owner of Gr.Ch.Queen of Hearts said the male was the best dog to EVER look through a collar. Now when it comes to the wins(4-0)off the Hemphill/Norrod dogs "porch monkeys" were reponsible in either conditioning, handling or owning every dog. No homecooking here those dogs won in three different states with altitudes ranging from sea level to 8,000 feet above sea level. Sillydogman can you show me one ped on any Hemphill based dog that has won in the last 8 months? How about in the last 2 years? Show me three peds in the last 5 years. Sillydogman I thinks it's time you bought a tanning pass...LOL! Maybe then your pigment challenged ass can get a WIN! [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |