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Date Posted: 14:17:16 05/05/06 Fri >>Congratulations Jewels! >> >>Excellent. > >Thanks Mallard! > >The credit goes to Iron Mike for having the common >sense and hindsight for creating Hemphill dogs that >can compete to this very day. > >Sillydogman the best you could come up with was "porch >monkey"? How creative and imaginative are you? You >were better off just calling me a "nigger". I'm going >to show you how us "porch monkeys" think and how you >can never take their word for anything. > >I'll use a modern day dog owned by a "porch monkey" >you might be familar with that made a ripple in the >dog game. > ><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >ee.php?dog_id=337 > >He was instrumental in the breedings that made Tab a >ROM. You didn't have to take his word on anything the >dogs TALKED for him. > >Now the part I like is "porch monkeys" kind of think >alike. Nine months ago I bred Danger to a Tab bred >female owned by a "porch monkey". Here is the ped to >her 1/2 brother who by the way is the 2005 Dog Of The >Year! > ><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >ee.php?dog_id=131879 > >Her littermate brother also impressed me, here is his >ped. > ><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >ee.php?dog_id=156075 > >The pups are 7 months old now. All rednose and super >acting. In about a year they will be able to TALK >where you don't have to take my word on anything. > >Here is another breeding I did with Danger. > ><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >ee.php?dog_id=177114 > >The "porch monkey" who owns Pearl was so impressed by >Danger I couldn't get a pup! Those pups are about 4 >months old now. I don't need to say a word in a year >or so they will be able to TALK just fine. > >A couple of days ago I received a long awaited email >from a kennel(ran by a "porch monkey") setting up a >tentative breeding with my female. > ><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >ee.php?dog_id=89001 > >The Gr.Ch. for the planned breeding is probably the >best Midnight Cowboy dog EVER! J. Abraham("porch >monkey") owner of Gr.Ch.Queen of Hearts said the male >was the best dog to EVER look through a collar. > >Now when it comes to the wins(4-0)off the >Hemphill/Norrod dogs "porch monkeys" were reponsible >in either conditioning, handling or owning every dog. >No homecooking here those dogs won in three different >states with altitudes ranging from sea level to 8,000 >feet above sea level. > >Sillydogman can you show me one ped on any Hemphill >based dog that has won in the last 8 months? How about >in the last 2 years? Show me three peds in the last 5 >years. > >Sillydogman I thinks it's time you bought a tanning >pass...LOL! Maybe then your pigment challenged ass can >get a WIN! That Norrod/Hemphill stuff is still just Geronimo dogs, PERIOD! And btw, your Geronimo dogs arent the only ones winning. Just some people are more descrete than yourself. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |