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Subject: What a shame

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Date Posted: 22:08:27 05/09/06 Tue

What a shame that as a group of owners who value OFRN bred dogs, we cannot share in the success of someone who within our own circle, has taken his good male, as well as that male’s daughter and walked the walk.

This was no backyard mischief or an unverifiable make-believe story; rather, it was a real-deal competition that took place on neutral ground, for high stakes. Pre-keep, keep, travel, lodging and high-end competition. Months of time consuming preparation and expense. Risking it all to prove heart and function. An hour and a half for one. 15 minutes short of three hours for the other. HORRAY FOR OFRN! We have all won here and should have more hope for our own programs!

Whether anyone likes it or not, the outcome gives credence to the breeders and owners of these fast-lane combatants. Yes, I said it. FAST-LANE. Now that is normally a term that you do not connect with straight OFRN bred dogs, but here we have it. Since we have it, how about we honor it instead of finding a reason to fuss.

As for being humble, the guy didn’t come out and toot his own horn. On a west coast site, an unsolicited compliment appeared from those who appreciated his degree of sportsmanship and the quality of his dogs. On this site, I gave him a brief compliment of my own. He then shared what should have been received as a boost for all of us.
On one hand, he’s challenged to put up or shut up. He does successfully and is then chastised. You f@cking hypocrite p#ssies.

We all do not agree on theory. We all do not agree on history. All personalities and fussing aside, we should appreciated those who are making the right moves, as demonstrated by their RESULTS. There sometimes are occurrences that bring people together. Some good, some tragic. These results are a reason to celebrate something good.

So I say,
Congratulations breeders.
Congratulations owners.
Congratulations conditioners.
Congratulations for the support folks.

Great dogs. Great swimmers.

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