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Subject: Re: What a shame

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Date Posted: 07:16:40 05/12/06 Fri

>>What a shame that as a group of owners who value OFRN
>>bred dogs, we cannot share in the success of someone
>>who within our own circle, has taken his good male, as
>>well as that male’s daughter and walked the walk.
>>This was no backyard mischief or an unverifiable
>>make-believe story; rather, it was a real-deal
>>competition that took place on neutral ground, for
>>high stakes. Pre-keep, keep, travel, lodging and
>>high-end competition. Months of time consuming
>>preparation and expense. Risking it all to prove
>>heart and function. An hour and a half for one. 15
>>minutes short of three hours for the other. HORRAY
>>FOR OFRN! We have all won here and should have more
>>hope for our own programs!
>>Whether anyone likes it or not, the outcome gives
>>credence to the breeders and owners of these fast-lane
>>combatants. Yes, I said it. FAST-LANE. Now that is
>>normally a term that you do not connect with straight
>>OFRN bred dogs, but here we have it. Since we have
>>it, how about we honor it instead of finding a reason
>>to fuss.
>>As for being humble, the guy didn’t come out and toot
>>his own horn. On a west coast site, an unsolicited
>>compliment appeared from those who appreciated his
>>degree of sportsmanship and the quality of his dogs.
>>On this site, I gave him a brief compliment of my own.
>> He then shared what should have been received as a
>>boost for all of us.
>>On one hand, he’s challenged to put up or shut up. He
>>does successfully and is then chastised. You f@cking
>>hypocrite p#ssies.
>>We all do not agree on theory. We all do not agree on
>>history. All personalities and fussing aside, we
>>should appreciated those who are making the right
>>moves, as demonstrated by their RESULTS. There
>>sometimes are occurrences that bring people together.
>>Some good, some tragic. These results are a reason to
>>celebrate something good.
>>So I say,
>>Congratulations breeders.
>>Congratulations owners.
>>Congratulations conditioners.
>>Congratulations for the support folks.
>>Great dogs. Great swimmers.
>What I find a shame in the OFRN game is it's always
>been a popularity contest. If Danger's prefix was
>Wilder, Sitze, Pritts or Morgan he would be hailed as
>the second coming of Ferguson's Ch.Centipede.
>BillyT on this very board told the story of what he
>saw when he visited Wilder's and Sitze's yards. The
>only person to say a peep was FigTree John. Not one
>remark about Sitze's saying that dogs were game not
>having a mark or scratch on them. Now everyone
>knows(except FigTree) that you can't have a gamedog
>without a mark on them.
>BillyT had no ax to grind because he bought a dog
>ANYWAY. In the mid 90's twelve pure Hemphill/Wilder
>dogs were bought for a boatload of money. I.M. can
>tell the story of what happened to all twelve. That
>was the reason why Sitze's last stud dogs weren't pure
>but crossed to Sarona i.e. Sitze's Dagger.
>When Wilder got Geronimo and Dixie from Bob Hemphill
>he was well into his 70's. At such an advanced age how
>much testing and culling could he do? Tom Browne did
>that for Jake until they had a fall out because Jake
>was selling dogs without testing and culling.
>Everybody liked Jake and well known dogmen would give
>Jake dogs. Well all the hard work of those well known
>dogmen went down the tubes because of Wilder's
>breeding habits i.e. breeding dogs because the size of
>their feet.
>I knew Pritt's well, been on his yard several times,
>assisted in a couple of bredings and even rolled dogs.
>I knew of atleast five dogs that were curs he owned.
>Some he told me about some I saw with my own eyes.
>When he told me about breeding to the curs is when I
>lost respect for him as a performance dogman. I wrote
>on another board about my evaluation of his best dog
>Apache. Apache wouldn't make my breeding program.
>With all this being said I find it ironic and sad that
>I.M. doesn't get his deserved just due. Sure he can be
>abrasive and direct but it's the "sensitive" players
>who have a hard time with his personality. You don't
>have to like someone but to disredit and discount what
>he has done for the OFRN dogs isn't right.
>He has bred more OFRN winners, champions, gr.chs. and
>ROM dogs than ANYONE in history. Wilder, Sitze, Pritts
>and Morgan COMBINED haven't done 1/10th performance
>wise what he has done for the OFRN bloodline! Like I
>said in my post on Danger do you think his breeding
>standards, culling methods and testing is better than
>the above mention breeders...HELL YES!
>Comments made by Clayton just shows his lack of
>history and accomplishments. I.M. doesn't have to do
>squat for the next 40 years and at the end of that 40
>years he will still probably be the measuring stick
>when it comes to performance OFRN dogs. Also for the
>record the second runner up for Dog Of The Year 2004
>was half his blood, Ch.Hagler. He has his littermate
>brother at stud now I think.
>I saw on another board where Bob Stevens and Bobby
>"Bullyson" Hall sharing a "Broke Back Mountain" moment
>and the board talked about how great a dogman he was.
>Well I know of one time where Bobby Hall shook I.M.'s
>hand and reached in his pocket to pay I.M....it wasn't
>because he wanted to buy a pup or dog either.
>What a shame that people can hate a breeder because of
>his pesonality regardless of the quality of his or her
>dogs. What a shame.

you still haven't shown one gr.ch.dog of norrods with 50 percent ofrn blood that was in sdj.
last i looked there is only one r.o.m dog in sdj for ironline as well and ch.hagler wasnt breed by ironline and ch.gambler wasnt match by them either he was bought back after his hunting and was said to be nothing compaired to hagler-per haglers owners in fl.

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