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Subject: Re: The true shame!

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Date Posted: 11:54:41 05/15/06 Mon

>The true shame is that when someone within the OFRN
>circle has some success he has to act like everyone
>else that has, or had OFRNs is below himself. Like
>everyone else's yard of OFRNs is in superior to what he
>has. I just wish for once that when someone has some
>success with the OFRN line, he doesnt have to knock
>the rest of the OFRN community.
>But instead, just state his accomplishments and leave
>it at that. Leave the drama for the Hollywood
>scripts! I know one thing, the days of the "Gentlemen's
>Sport" are long gone. Hell, most of the time you would
>need a microscope to find some class within most
>circles lol. Not all, but definitely most.

Well, why not show us all how, since you seem to think you are such an expect. You want to preach to everyone, why not show by example.
You talk the talk but won't walk the walk.
You hide like a cur that needs culling with anon name and email address but set judgement of others. Who in hell do you think are to tell the rest of us on what to say and do?

>And to Fancier, lol, I wouldn't piss in your direction.
>Sorry, but your just not the type of individual that I
>care to associate myself with. In this life the only
>thing that you have control over are the choices you
>make. I choose not to associate myself with people
>like you because nothing other than trouble can come
>from it.

ROTFLMMFAO @ U. You ran your mouth and when called out, you cur. Why don't you feed AST or poodles because you are in over your head with this breed!
Only pissing direction you will do is squat to piss and watch it so you don't piss on yourself sissy. lol

>You want to know why youve never got the true credit
>you deserve? Its because as an individual your an
>azzhole! Period! Your attitude has done your dogs a
>great injustice, and that's a fact. I know who you are
>fancier, I mean IM lol, and if you think hard enough I
>know that you know exactly who I am.

Oh I do know the gutless wonder you are and the heartless big ass that only runs your mouth and never had the heart to ever say in person to IM what you run mouth off about on the Internet.
Most of all, time and time again you have showed your jealously of another dogman's success by bashing and never stepping up to the plate.
But most of all, you never had the guts to add creditability to the line of dogs you are feeding.

>I must say though, I love the Red Devil stuff, and Im
>sure that that dog Danger has is a good one too.

Danger has nothing to do with Red Devil bloodline, that is why so many of you gutless wonders can't stand the fact of his success.
How many times over the years have I had to call you out and watch you just bitch up and not do nothing?

>because of the personalities in which they come from,
>I wouldn't piss in their direction. The very thought of
>looking in the peds of my dogs and seeing your name in
>their is enough to make me want to vomit! Just because
>of your personality!

Tell it to I.M. in person, don't be a coward and run your mouth on the Internet. You never would and you never will.
Instead of vomiting, just put a gun to your head and put yourself and everyone else out of this misery.

>And it really is a shame too! Because you know a lot,
>and youve done a lot, but when you die, people will
>only remember that you were an azzhole. And as much as
>I dislike you, that does in fact sadden me.
>Good day! That's my last post on the subject!

One asshole's opinion and we all know what that smells like.
See, it is people like you who don't deserve the dogs, because you think it is a popularity contest.

It has always been about the dogs and the problem I.M. has with you is the very thing you don't like about him,
you dick ride off the success of his dogs without adding to the bloodline for future generations.

You are only a pet owner and when people like Jewels adds to the creditability, whether it is Hemphill or Red Devil bloodlines or anything that has a link to I.M. it is people like yourself that hates within your own self, knowing you will never be that kind of person to try and be successful.

You are more scared of failing then you are of trying.
Because the dogs are only an extension of your self worth.
You don't believe in yourself so how could you ever believe in your dogs....

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