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Subject: Re: What a shame | |
Author: I.M. Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 15:02:50 05/15/06 Mon >>>you still haven't shown one of ncroads with >>>50 percent of blood that was in sdj. >>>last i looked there is only one r.o.m dog in sdk for >>>ironline as well and ch.hagler was breed by ironline >>>and ch.gambler wasn't match by them either he was >>>bought back after his hunting and was said to be >>>nothing compared to hagler-per hagler's owners in fl. >> >>First off Gr.Ch. Romeo isn't quite 50% but the top of >>Yances is from my blood and the bottom is from Palmers >>bloodline of Red Devil which I also owned as in >>Nitro's pedigree which is Ch. Hagler's pedigree. >> >>Since you seem to know so much about me Clayton, let >>me advise you to learn more about what you speak of >>when it pertains to me and what I do or don't do. >> >>As for Ch. Hagler (BTW with out my Equipment and Keep >>would never had made through his first hunt besides >>all the rest), you know nothing of what you speak of >>because Hagler owners are not in Fl. first off and in >>the second place, any associates in Fl. of Hagler >>never seen Ch. Gambler to judge him to be compared to >>anything. >>Which I can speak of first hand of both dogs. >>And since I crank his starter I do know and can >>compare, >>Ch. Hagler had no where near what Ch. Gambler had. >>Ch. Hagler wasn't in the same league. >>As a stud, Ch. Hagler hasn't produce no winners, (and >>most likely won't now that he is dead) or recognized >>dogs as Ch. Gambler has. >>If you would like more knowledge, quit listening to BS >>and come talk to the person who knows. > > >still were is all these romdogs off your >red blood we hear so much about???????????most winners >with ofrn blood bla bla bla were is it who is it what >year what page do we look on and who is the biggest >name kennel you have handled over and won and is >reported somewhere?and who is listed as the breeder of >gambler and hagler?if your blood is so hot then why do >you run more of the k.g.dogs and redoy.f.b. stuff why? First off I don't run F.B. stuff it was a line I was successful with like many others, when Shannon produced J.R.'s Ch. Tank and Tiffany produced Untouchables Ch. Cotton and my dog Check which I owned 2/3rds of his life and died with me produce Lena the mother of Ch. Earl. All known, all reported. Iron Spike is recognized R.O.M. by SDJ, I guess you are not in the know or you would have known this and access to that kind of information. All you need to do is look Stratton's book and see Taffy at 8 years old and see what information is on her. If your in the know, look up the show news in the Book of Champions, now they are yearly volumes. Is it the fact who is the breeder? Like when I bred L.A. Dream Team's Ch. Smash in my back yard sired by Ch. Iron Bobcat? Since you want to bring it up the fact a dog I bred produce K.G.'s Ch. Red Dog's mother, named Susie, reported in 1985 SDJ. Susie I sent to Jessie Boggs and had her bred to Ch. Timex. Or does it boughter you I bred the sire and dam of the only recognized female duel Ch. Dutchess? As for Ch. Gambler, Daniel N. paid a low price for Judy who I bred, raised and checked, and he bought in on her with me and was to breed to her half brother Taz off Ch. Iron Bobcat but he was to fight crazy and to hard to handle for D.N. to breed. I do believe Judy's litter mate sister owned by the late Jeff Smelly in AL. was bred to Red Boy Whitney male and produce Sonny Ali who beat hunting Gr.Ch. Hurricane Hugo. How much old history do you want? All this is reported. It is very clear your information hunting proves one of two things, either you are not in the game and don't have access to it or snitch or heat trolling for info. BTW just for the sake of it, lets do two things if we are public info, 1. sign your real whole name and 2. the most important part, lets hear about a few of yours now? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |