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Subject: Re: The true shame!

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Date Posted: 16:36:52 05/18/06 Thu

>>Well Mike you just proved my point lol. All that
>>effort in words and in the time it took you to write
>>that and all you did was prove my point. I guess at
>>your age you'll never change, an azzhole for life.
>LOL LOL Man are you jealous. And gutless.
>You wish you had the balls to sat to people wanted you
>to in person but don't have the heart other then on a
>computer hiding anon.
>This leaves no credibility in which you say.
>Weight pulling?
>Oh damn, lmmfao off @ U I thought you were talking
>about something which really showed "old style".
>I'm debating with another candyass show person. :-O
>Talk smack when you want to be real dogman. :-@
>Must be one of the candyass' Bobcat 2 beat. LOL
>>BTW genius, I dont own a single red devil dog for
>>reasons that I have already stated lol. I think you
>>have me mistaken for somebody else too lol. As I have
>>already had success in these dogs and will continue to
>>do so. And their is nothing in the peds of my dogs
>>that would indicate that I am living off of what you
>>schmucks have bred.
>Well switch hitter then why did you write this,
>"I must say though, I love the Red Devil stuff, and Im
>sure that that dog Danger has is a good one too. But
>because of the personalities in which they come from,
>I wouldnt piss in their direction. The very thought of
>looking in the peds of my dogs and seeing your name in
>their is enough to make me want to vomit! Just because
>of your personality!"
>It shows here you are not in it for the dogs but for
>who owns them. Good dogs are where you find them..
>Your post here shows you don't even know what you are
>talking about because Danger isn't Red Devil blood but
>is Hemphill. (_?_)
>>Maybe if you guys didnt run your mouths so much to so
>>many people, you wouldnt be mistaking me for whomever
>>you think I am lol. And why would I bother to step up
>>to the plate with you motor-mouths anyways lol? When I
>>have already out raced several dogs that came directly
>>from your kennel. But were owned by people with much
>>more selfrespect, class, and dignity than yourself!
>>And did I mention they are wayyyyy more discreet than
>>yourself too. Even though its only weightpulling
>>events :)
>>Mike or brother lol, did you ever stop to think that
>>maybe by saying less youd actually be saying more?
>>Just a thought!
>>Your loving friend,
>>lol, aka, lmaoaU
>Okay how this,
>Put your money where your mouth is.....
>Because you:
>>"When I
>>have already out raced several dogs that came directly
>>from your kennel".
>>And why would I bother to step up
>>to the plate with you motor-mouths anyways?
>You prove here the coward with in you.
>How many more times must you be called out.
>Hate all you want but your posts clearly show I own
>you, in dogs and your own mind! ROTFLMMFAO @ U!!!
>A cyber sissy wishing you had the heart.
>Don't you have a whole to hide back in like you do
>with your posts?


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