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Subject: FTJ and the rest of the bashers | |
Author: Aurora Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 10:46:32 05/21/06 Sun Dude you need to do your homework on these dogs before you speak of how you think they're bred . Research ie. gathering rumors from Norrod haters aint going to find you the truth . Personally i'm not a hater or a crony of IM's .It's easy to hate on the man because he's controversial, argumentative , and sometimes a real pain in the ass but like it or not his dogs are bred as papered in my opinion because i've done my homework not got myself caught up in the bullshit . I've bred to his Red Devil studs twice and watched the litters grow up . I have the dog Red Scout and watched him grow up . I've found thru personal experience that the Hemphill dogs IM use to breed and the Red Devil dogs he continues to use have no similarities in appearance , working styles , movement , or mannerisms . The only things they have in common are the breed type . That is doing homework , not getting on here running at the mouth doing jealous hating . Believe me i'm not sticking up for the guy in fact we've had our differences , but to talk about dogs being hung or of low quality before personally working with them shows a lack of understanding on your part . The rest of this hating and dry snitching and controversy is ignorant and harmful to everyone on this board . Take this to heart and stop this bashing bullshit in public . Got a problem with IM or Danger ? Call them directly and hash it out , they are men that will handle themselves in anyway you approach them . IM and i had differences , didn't put it out publicly and took care of it . Danger is the same way . Do everybody a favor and squelch this internet shit and grab the phone if you have a beef . [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |