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Author: Danger Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 17:18:13 05/29/06 Mon >WONDERED WHY THIS LITTERMATE BROTHER TO GERONIMO II >HAS NEVER BEEN DISCUSSED VERY MUCH THOUGH A CLEAN >SPECIMEN OF THE OLD FAMILY RED NOSE DOWN THROUGH THE >GERONIMO X RED DIXIE BREEDING ... > >MARTIN CEASAR AN OFFSPRING OF COCHISE HAS BEEN PLAYED >DOWN BY JUST A FEW BREEDERS WHO USUALLY ARE WORKING >WITH OTHER LINES AND BASE THEIR CONCLUSION ON >SPECULATION ... > >APACHE RED TY / MULLIN'S RED FLAME ARE ALSO OTHER OFRN >THAT WERE WORTH A LICK BUT NOT MUCH SAID ABOUT THEM >EITHER UNLESS NEGATIVE ... BUT STILL ACCEPTED IN MOST >PEDIGREES ... > >WILDER'S RED SATAN ANOTHER GAMEBRED OFRN THAT HAS BEEN >PRACTICALLY DISCREDITED AND COUNTED AS NEVER EVEN >EXISTING WHEN IN FACT HE SHOWS IN MANY PEDIGREES THAN >"DUSTER" A SUPPOSEDLY LIVING LITTERMATE TO A DOG THAT >DIED OVER 20 YEARS AGO ... > >BREEDING IS NOT EVERYTHING BUT IT CERTAINLY IS A BIG >PART FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO DO THESE DOGS >CORRECTLY AND BASED ON HONEST HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ... There are alot of dogs not discussed from the Geronimo/Dixie breedings. Hemphill bred Geronimo & Dixie atleast once before Wilder got them and Wilder bred the two atleast twice. How do you know what type of dog Cochise was for you to make the statement he was a clean example? Did you ever speak to the owner of the dog? Or is it that he shows up in the peds of your dogs so he must be, right? You don't even know how your dogs are bred so how do you know he's in the peds of your dogs? The person that could tell you more about dogs from the Geronimo/Dixie breeding is I.M. Geronimo II, Shine(2XW) and Spinner. Those dogs were bred to Red Devil dogs.He owned dogs down from those dogs and knew the owners of the dogs. Not to mention he owned pure Hemphill dogs. The reasons why Martin Ceasar was played down was because who owned the dogs and what he was bred to. UKC show dogs weren't and still aren't used in any kind of a serious performance program. What kind of offspring do you think came from those breedings? Once again how do you know if Apache Red Ty and Flame were worth anything? How many times have you talked to the owners of the dogs? Once again you are only speculating because you THINK they are in the peds of your dogs. Instead of speculating and assuming why don't you find out. The truth is only a phone call away. Satan could have been a game dog. As far as him being discredited not at all. Once you talk to Mullins he will tell you all about the controversy surrounding the dog. Satan was overhyped and bred to females that were untested, curs and "roll dogs." When the hype didn't pan out the OFBA bailed. The reason why Satan shows up in more peds than Duster is because those Satan dogs were peddled and overhyped. I.M. didnt peddle his dogs because since 1978 he has offered one breeding and two dogs to the public in 28 years. Pick up the ADBA Gazettes from '89-'91 when Spartacus, I.M. and Stratton debated different topics of OFRN dogs. In the Winter '90 issue his exact words were. " I still have an old dog who is straight Hemphill blood. Hemphill Duster. Wilder's Red Satan is "supposed" to be a littermate to my dog." If you did your homework and stopped drawing conclusions because of your limited and regional knowledge you could make better assumptions and probably wouldn't feed the dogs you are feeding now. Breeding is a small part to this whole thing. Testing, culling and matching dogs are the most important parts. Testing and culling isn't enough! Until you match the dogs you don't know how to breed the dogs. Once you match the dogs you will make breedings only to continue being in the winner's circle. This is what seperates pet owners from peddlers to performance dogmen/breeders. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |