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Subject: Re: SOLID BREEDING ... | |
Author: Danger Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 19:19:24 05/30/06 Tue >>><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href=""></a> >e >>d >>>igree.php?dog_id=208046 >>> >>>DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA ... WE ARE ALL TRYING TO GET >>>SOMETHING ... HOWEVER THE THOUGHT IS USUALLY LARGER >>>THAN OUR BACK YARD ... >> >>I see you are waving the white flag FigTree John so >>you could post another breeding. >> >>Funny how you didn't say a peep when you got busted >>trying to get your hands on some Hemphill/Norrod dogs. >>The same dogs you continue talk shit about to this >>day. Did you also forget you tried to get Sarona dogs >>from JRB also? >> >>Funny how you talk about other people and their habits >>and in some cases their family. I noticed you didn't >>mention your wife's previous situation. I didn't hear >>one word about you wearing that cape and tights to >>save the day. >> >>Funny you talk about clean and honest pedigrees when >>your dogs have NO PAPERS! I didn't hear you mention >>not once on any board Lano not giving you papers >>Mr.Clean & Honest pedigree...LOL! Do you even know how >>YOUR dogs are bred let alone anyone elses? Your dogs >>could have more staff bred in them or more hound that >>Wilder bred into some of his dogs...LOL! >> >>Funny you talk shit about winning dogs when your dogs >>haven't had a tooth in them like Fred,Franco,Bess & >>Moe. >> >> >>Facts, Facts & more Facts! Everything is 100% true >>that I post and EVER have posted on any board! > > >JULIUS ... WHY CONTINUE TO BANG YOUR HEAD AGAINST THE >WALL? >... I SEE YOU STILL HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE A BALD FACE >LIAR AS USUAL ... THATS YOUR PRIDE? DUSTER AND DANGER >ARE MODERN EXAMPLES OF HOW BREEDINGS CAN GO UNNOTICED >FOR YEARS AND BE ENTIRELY INCORRECT... YOU HAVE THE >NUMBER ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW LINES ARE RE NAMED AND >EXPLAINED ... OFRN IS SOMETHING YOU WILL NEVER SEE IN >YOUR YARD NOR IN THE YARDS OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LIKE >DOGS OF YOUR LINE ... FACE IT ... YOU ARE HOOKED UP >WITH A BUNCH OF HAS BEENS AND CON ARTIST ... I KNOW >YOU SINCRELY MEAN WELL ... BUT IT WON'T UNDO THE >DAMAGE OF A FAKE LINE AND BREEDING HISTORY ... BUT >OBVIOUSLY YOU MUST LIKE THAT ... SINCE YOU BASH HONEST >BREEDINGS AND PEDIGREES WITH THE ZEAL OF A WOMAN IN >LABOR ... > >MRHNT John I state only facts can you tell me where I lied? Was it that your dogs are neither ADBA,AADR or UKC registered? Was it that your dogs are untested? Was it that you contacted Gino trying to get dogs from him? Was it that you contacted JRB trying to get dogs from him? Was it that Lano never gave you papers for your dogs? Was it that in 2005 I told you what the ADBA Gazette is and you have been in the dogs since '79? Was it that your other name is Capt. Save A. Ho? I don't need to bang my head against a wall or post on peds online looking for OFRN with pedigree and registration...LOL! What I have are examples of the purist most proven Hemphill dogs on this planet. Oh by the way I read your post on peds online where you stated my dogs weren't proving anything in your neck of the woods. You are wrong Danger and Razberry proved their worth not far from your backyard in Canyon Country...LOL. If you question what Duster or Danger are all you have to do is look at the peds of these dogs. Danger 1XW(87% Duster) Berry 2XW(76% Duster) Razberry 1XW(76% Duster) If you still have doubts Vegas is the halfway point between us. Maybe you can revenge what the last Hemphill/Norrod dog did to the OFBA's battlecross...LOL! I highly doubt it though!...LOL! How can you say anything about people who play the game and you have yet to get off the sideline player? I would rather be a has been than a never will be....anyday. I've got more to come John like that 8 month old pup that is a finisher and is deep game....sound familiar? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |