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Subject: Re: SOLID BREEDING ...

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Date Posted: 19:21:44 06/01/06 Thu

When you start looking through some peds of some OFRN lines you will notice alot of crosses to the Sarona dogs. It provided some fresh blood (vigor) but never maintained any consistency that's why some breeders kept crossing back and forth. Only slightly upgrading the quality of their original dogs and never to the point of consistently producing match dogs. JRB don't get bent out of shape I just used the Sarona example because of it's popularity with OFRN breders..................... that is the shit .........hahaha actually that is the problem with dogs from sarona kennels /they possably sold to many dogs and didnt get to use them in the breeding program once they were gone ,,,,, jrb is the prepotent producer that will provide vigor but also this side of the bloodline was sold to the people i got bean from .......... the thing about beans propotency is he is a blacknose dog and with what you are stating is about rednoses .. it is like comparing apples and oranges .. but it is not to say the rednoses from bean are not match quality they dont carry the blackmask dogs vigor like if the bloodline turned all rednose and carried ch art in them .. but the rednoses will hold there own .. but to what level is the 1 million dollar question

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