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Subject: Re: Last Days of Bob Hemphill | |
Author: FIGTREEJOHN Author Host/IP: |
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Date Posted: 19:36:36 06/18/06 Sun >>>I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHAT HAPPEN TO THE DOG(S) LEFT >ON >>>HIS YARD. >>> >>>I WOULD ALSO LIKE KNOW ABOUT THESE DOG MEN ALSO JAKE >>>WILDER, >>>RON SITZES, TOM MULLIN AND BILL WEAVER. >>> >>>DOGS NAME >>>DATE OF BIRTH >>>TESTED OR UNTESTED >>> >>>WHAT EVER THE STORY MAY BE. >> >>FigTree I see you are still fishing for info. I >>thought you knew all this...LOL! NO THATS NOT ME ... I HATE FISHING ... GOT MY CATCH YEARS AGO AND VERY SATISFIED ... BEWARE OF WHAT YOU READ ON THE INTERNET ... > > > >That seems to be a question most would like to know >,the one of where the dogs went and how many he had >before he passed on. >The one story about the dogs that has been a stable >yet not able to tell whether its true or not. >Bob was said to have gave Wilder three breeding >pairs,and told ole Jake how to breed them so as not to >have to inbreed them for awhile. >Who were the dogs names and what % of ofrn were they >donnot know. >But if its pans out right then it becomes Jakes fault >for screwing things up. >It seems everyone had to have a Hemphill dog and Jake >gave them what they wanted.By doing this everyone >seemed to get into the act. >As many had Hemphill dogs besides Jake.But it was Jake >who added other lines to the dogs that although said >to be tight were now became Wilder dogs as there was >no telling what was added. >If the story makes any sense the Hemphill dogs were >already crossed with the 1/8 of Dibo as Bob >advertized.He even explained why he added it. >I'am sure someone has the scoop on this or another >story that would make headlines. >Jake Wilder-what can one say wrong about him other >then he took what was given to him from Bob and runied >it. >He did however have some nice looking rednose dogs,but >not sure how real they were when it came time for >breeding. >Just an opion mine only. >Last time I talked to him he was to have let me borrow >three boxes of pictures and notes and ped's. >But when I made the tripp up to his place he was no >where to be found. >I got in touch with Ron Sitzes who informed me that >Jake was back in nurseing home and he and his family >were takeing care of Jakes dogs. >Ron was a nice fellow and hit the jack pot as he had >full control of Jakes dogs for breeding. >What a man does with his life. >He and Jake were said to be partnars and Ron had his >own yard to contend with besides Jakes. >Rons yard was clear of any dogs considered >maneaters.On the other hand Jakes yard had enough for >anyone wanting something like that.Just roughly I >would guess there was close to 8 or more that would >sooner bite you then look at you.Ron told me at the >time that they would do him in as they would do anyone >else.Why Jake kept them is beyond me. >Reckless red would have done some damage to someone >given the chance.Ron showed me around both his yard >and Jakes yet the dogs on Jakes yard he did not tell >the names of dogs or blood lines.I'am not sure as to >how many there were on the yard but lets just say way >to many for me to feed and care for besides haveing my >own to boot. >But my tripp was not intended to view dogs but to get >those boxes which Ron told me two were lost in a fire >just prior to me comeing up there.I asked for the last >box and was refused.I tried to explain that Jake knew >I was comeing for them and that Marsha Woods and I >were going to put out a book on the rednose dogs that >anyone had and wanted to contribute to the book as far >as peds stories true or false >and so on. >Well that was along haul for nothing other then to see >just what Wilder dogs were really about. >Anyone in the dogs for any length of time knows its >taboo to breed maneaters to one another. >Moat heard the story of ole Geromino 11 almost mauling >Jake. >I was one who always wondered why someone would keep >and breed maneaters. >I myself was accused of doing just that with the ole >Gismo dog of cowboy decent but anyone knowing the dog >for the time my partnars had him knew he was a big >baby although you had to call his bluff. >I bought one female from Ron called Geronimo Girl,big >misstake as I went against the grain and found out she >was off the ole reckless red maneater and his sister >who was just the opposite.I bred her to ole INFERNO >(WOOD'S) that is.So if the ped's were right the pups >were pretty tight.But haveing tight does not make it >right.I sold her to someone that wanted her real bad >and warned him first hand that she was useless to me >and I sold all the pups with warnings not about the >sire but the damm. >In anycase the book never took hold and it cost me >alot of time wasted. >Its been along time with the dogs although I donot >have them anymore but know where some are. >It took awhile to figure things out about how those >heavy WIDLER AND HEMPHILL DOGS PRODUCED SO MANY >MANEATERS. >If the stories are true the Hemphill dogs Bob had also >were maneaters although not all.Given the fact that >Jake added more of this type of animal and other lines >there was no telling how they really were bred. >That is why I added Sorona blood to clean out those >maneaters even though Inferno was not one of them. >The sorona dogs of motorhead and trouble,killens cid >and jo jo added dogs that did it all and did not throw >that trait. >Ron passed away what I considered young from cancer. >II'am not downing his dogs or the man himself as he >was a decent fellow. >But when it came time to purchase dogs of Hemphill >decent it was Bill Pritt's who was the man to go to. >After thirty plus years with the dogs one could not >blame the line as Pritt's was breeding them just like >they came from Jake and Ron.But as I started to say it >is not always the line but who owns them and how they >bred them and took care of them. >I canot comment on the other two gentlemen other then >the story of rednose dogs that Mullins wrote and I >read that and many many more that most may have never >heard of. >I knew some dog men when I first got involed with the >dogs that took me into their click and although I was >young at the time these fellows were in their 60's >70'sand early eighties and knew the other old timers >of days gone by.I learned alot and found out the truth >about the men and the dogs being bred. >Just like now most think the rednose dogs are ofrn >blood but if one does their homework one would realize >all blood lines throw a rednose. >But on the other hand believe it or not the dogs today >that carry what one would say a high percentage of >OFRN blood are being used in crosses of many famous >dogs today and their blood lines.But one might never >see that the ofrn was being added as those that are >doing well with them for some reason or another did >not want anyone to know that rednose blood as in >%%%%%%% was being added but it is and doing great. >To repeat what I learned and know for a fact would >only cause disruption and finger pointing and unrest >among the troops. >If you have a rednose dog and believe his or her >pedigree to contain heavy old family blood in high >percentages and don't mind feeding and picking up >after them by all means don't let anyone stop you. >Fact is I have nothing to gain by telling what is true >or false as everyone has their own opion and no matter >what they were told they would not believe the truth >in no way shape or form. >But for what its worth the high calibur dogs of today >can thank those who used and seen the results of >useing what was or is left of the high percentage of >red nose blood today.And Hemphill,Wilder were just a >portion of those who had it,as there were and are many >big names of the past and present that use the blood >as a secret weapon,why they donot give credit to the >dogs of ofrn decent is beyond me. >In anycase if you love what you have that is all that >matters no matter what anyone says. >I will say this though,if one thinks he has the best >it brings a storm upon them and to let the world know >if its true there is only one way to convince all the >others. >But remember in doing so its illegal and its your neck >that is sticking out. >But as it was said many moons ago if your going to >talk that talk you have to walk that walk. >FACT IS THERE IS NOT ONE PERSON LIVEING TODAY BE IT >MAN OR WOMAN THAT CAN SAY WITHOUT A DOUBT HOW THEIR >DOG IS BRED FOR SURE BEING 100%---BE CONTENT WITH THE >LAST THREE GENERATIONS AS THAT MIGHT BE THE CLOSES ONE >WILL GET TO THE TRUTH. >P.S.if one wants the facts on dogs accomplishments >find the book that Bob Hemphill wrote called the old >family red nose club,I seen it along with the one who >owned it and for those that never seen it,lets just >say it would blow your mind. >Even though I'am out of the dogs it would still be of >interest to see the on going stories about the lines >of today. 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