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Subject: Re: Mike Norrod, Another Question

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Date Posted: 17:50:53 02/19/06 Sun
In reply to: FTJ 's message, "Mike Norrod, Another Question" on 01:59:52 02/19/06 Sun

>Why do people that have some of your dogs claim
>Hemphill influence to be 96%? What dogs do you have
>that could possibly be that close to pure Hemphill? It
>all sounds very conflicting based on your current
>posts and the comments you have made about how pitiful
>the dogs were that Jake got from Bob Hemphill? Why
>would anyone want to do anything with such failing

If you can read a pedigree you can calculate the % of Hemphill blood. It isn't rocket science or brain surgery. If you have remedial math skills it shouldn't be a problem.

<a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=108242">http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigree.php?dog_id=108242</a>

Let's start with Danger's grandsire Tornado. Tornado's genetic makeup is the same as Danger's since he is a two generation bro/sis breeding.

Wilder's Mitzie is 65.6250% Hemphill. When bred to Ch.Maximillion(4xw)ROM produced Ch. Iron Spike ROM.
Ch.Iron Spike is 32.8125% Hemphill and that's not counting the sprinkle of Hemphill Gr.Ch. Ross' Red Devil has in him thru Hemphill's Chigger.

Ch.Spike ROM was bred to a pure Hemphill female, Maude. Babe(1xw) with 2 other winning littermates was the result of this breeding, Babe is 66.4065% Hemphill.

Babe was bred to a pure Hemphill male in Duster and from this breeding produced Lil' Babe(83.2035% Hemphill). Lil' Babe was bred to Duster and produced Cyclone(91.6017%). Cyclone was bred to Duster and produced Tornado and Storm which are 95.8000%. The same genetic makeup of Danger which is about 96% Hemphill and the description on Danger's ped is correct.

What dogs today are that close to Hemphill dogs % wise? That would be Danger's littermates and you have a better chance of hitting the lottery than getting access to them.

What people don't understand is Jake was too old to do anything performance wise with the dogs Hemphill left him. Lowman's Shine 2xw is from the same breeding as Geronimo II the difference being Hemphill bred him not Jake.

For the record Jake never got six dogs from Hemphill, he got only two dogs Geronimo and Dixie. Before Hemphill died he only had six pure Hemphill dogs. Jake got two, Frank Fitzwater got Vickey, Don Maloney got Fancy and a gentlemen in California got a breeding pair.

Hemphill left Jake some nice bred dogs it was up to him to improve on them. Jake never did and neither the ones who got dogs from him because he didn't put the dogs in performance breeders hands. Maloney produced a champion from the dog he got from Hemphill as well as Fitzwater. Where are the champions from the Wilder dogs? Where are the winners from the Wilder line today?

16 x 16 is what seperates alot of bloodlines and breeders. I.M. only cares about winning and the ability to continue winning. The Hemphill dogs were good for crossing to his Red Devil stock. There is no magic in the Hemphill dogs like I.M. has been saying for years they need to be crossed to add the power and punch needed to compete.

People might get mad and say whatever but there is ONLY two performance OFRN breeders today that have consistently won over a period of time. If your pedigrees prefix don't have a G or N you aint got it...BOTTOM LINE!

What I respect about I.M. is first of all he understands math and what 16 x 16 calculates too. He doesn't give a damn about telling things how they are. In 15 years he has sold a litter and two dogs off his Hemphill dogs when it could have been real easy to peddle the line and do what Jake did.

As far as I.M. saving the Hemphill bloodline he did and improved it by linebreeding a Ch.ROM dog and breeding within a bloodline keeping the % high. Like Gino has been saying for years on message boards there is a HUGE difference between Hemphill/Wilder dogs and Hemphill/Norrod dogs.

Keep checking Danger's offspring and you will know!

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Subject Author Date
Re: Mike Norrod, Another QuestionDanger
17:58:26 02/19/06 Sun

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