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Subject: If you posted and its not on here do so again as achives had trouble

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Date Posted: 04:24:51 02/27/06 Mon

It seems that when posts are nearing a point where another
achive is about to take place it causes a message rebuild in
which some messages would not get added on.
If this has happen and you don't want to loose anything in
achives then make a copy for yourself.
If this has caused anyone any grieve please forgive me.
It does seem that this forum has taken off running and is
according to Tank's page of listed message boards he has it
down as a high volume board.
If indeed it is and keeps going that way its you the readers and posters that should get the pat on the back.
This forum was not intended to highligth House of Bull in
which is still a regsitered kennel but does not have any dogs.
So its not anyone but those that know and want to pass on the truth and the falsehood of the old family rednose dogs to others.You know who you are and the board has come this way because of you.
So on behalf of ROsie and I BillyT we thankyou all for your imput on the topics on this forum.

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