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Subject: Re: Food For Thought

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Date Posted: 06:09:08 03/02/06 Thu
In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: Food For Thought" on 18:42:51 03/01/06 Wed

>How many have you read the Truth of the American Pit
>Bull Terrier?
>In the back part there is a picture of a dog. All it
>says is "This dog has the badge of the Old Family Red
>Nose, which is getting kind of rare."
>For those of you who will open the back part of the
>book and take a look at that picture again, compare it
>to this picture and then you will know who the dog is:
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.ironlinekennels.com/Page_4/IMAG0014.JPG">http://www.ironlinekennels.com/Page_4/IMAG0014.JPG</a>
>You can tell by the old worn front wheel that was
>What year was these books wrote? And isn't the dog on
>the cover of the "The Book of the American Pit Book
>Terrier" referred to by the author as one of those
>extinct Old Family Red Nose?
>Seems to me you have been trying to tell the person
>whose dogs are being referred to by the author as OFRN
>is the same person you have been trying to tell them
>their dogs aren't OFRN, and the author is the same
>person you are now quoting!!
>You can't use bits and pieces just to suit your need,
>when the need bees.
>You have to believe all of it or none of it. If he is
>an expert, then he should know which dogs are and
>which ones aren't. lol lol

LOL ... seems like that. My point is to just remind inquiring minds that controversey and speculation exist even among the so called "experts". Stratton sold many books on Pit Bulls. That does not prove that he is "absolutely" correct in his history. He got what information he could like anyone else and ran with it. We all do the same thing unless we are an actual participant and are honest about what we see and understand.
1920's was a long time for Stratton as well. When he refers to OFRN its only in a modern application and his opinion.
A good picture to begin with of a red nose dog that is a foundation game link is "FERGUSON'S CENTIPEDE". I think that is much closer in breeding and apperance to what people are trying to call OFRN today.
Stratton's book is good reading and contains vital information on some subjects, but I care to disagree with some of his ideas on pit bulls.


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Re: Food For ThoughtMike Norrod
07:23:29 03/02/06 Thu

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