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Date Posted: 19:26:19 03/03/06 Fri
In reply to: HARDHEAD 's message, "Re: NEW STUD ON THE BLOCK" on 12:43:36 03/03/06 Fri

Well one thing hardhead could do is breed to the female i also sent him if she works out ...... keeping the blood pure is one thing and trying some crosses might bring something good breeding to the right dogs is even better ........ after keeping the dogs as long as i have with out selling any and giving dogs to friends and all that is ok but i would like to see the dogs do good elsewhere and if people want them i should get something out of it hell i payed for feed for almost 20 years why shoulnt i ... if you ppl would see how some of the blackmask dogs do you would wonder why some ppl call down sarona dogs remember ... ppl i am a backyard breeder when i seen what jrb could do i was amazed i had only seen two other rolls before that they were quality dog though one pure male alligator who was out of a bro and sis out of alligator and his sister the other was a 10 year old female out of clouse stabber and those dogs didnt do what jrb did so as time progressed i got beans sister and did some breedings and now i have sons and grandsons and if ppl want to try something there ready to go if you doubt the quality than dont bother with them but i am only going to do this for a couple years and then i will do something else i am getting tired of chaseing dogs everyday without end haveing to talk and deal with a lot of the people on the internet is ok at sometimes and shit at other there is some ppl i would like to shit kick and some ppl probably want to do the same to me and all i ever intended to do was spread some of the dogs into other ppls hands call me a peddler or what ever you want i am at the point that i dont care

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09:05:42 03/04/06 Sat

    18:32:41 03/04/06 Sat

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