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Subject: Re: No Acknowledgement

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Date Posted: 06:15:39 03/19/06 Sun
In reply to: Mike Norrod 's message, "Re: No Acknowledgement" on 19:41:29 03/09/06 Thu

>>Obviously there is a collected group of folks that
>>drink from the same cup of speculation and envy.
>No speculation on their part. Only one speculating is
>Envy? Of you? Man, you think to much of yourself!
>>have up to this point tolerated insults and blownout
>>stories about the origin and current breeding of a Red
>>Nose Dog called Wilder's Red Satan.
>If you don't like it, Do something about it.
>Quit your whining about it!
>Cry as you will but the facts remains the same!
>>Since my
>>particular FAMILY OF RED NOSE DOGS carry that blood
>>significantly, I will not honor the false information
>>from stand ins and prejudice individuals who are only
>>seeking their own advantage while discrediting my own
>>integrity and those of the breeding pedigree of my
>Well since you never owned Red Satan and I did when he
>was a pup then you should keep your mouth shut about
>things you know nothing about!
>Integrity? Who in hell do you think you are?
>You have no integrity! Because you know nothing about
>the breeding!
>If anything you are insulting my integrity because I
>Prove them!!!!!
>>There are many people unfortunately who have been
>>sucked in by a long told story fabricated to suit
>>certain folks who have made lots of money with the Red
>>Nose Family.
>You mean like you peddler John? $2,000 a pup??
>Isn't the pot calling the kettle black here?
>The facts are true about Red Satan!
>Live with it or deal with your broken heart once and
>for all!
>>I have learned very recently that effort
>>has esclated into another venture that will continue
>>to rob the Red Nose Family of the honor and stature it
>Only one robbing it is you!
>Was I wrong in my understanding you are now trying to
>convince people Colby dogs as a bloodline of Old
>Family Red Nose?? Talk about BS stories!
>>If anyone wants to talk to me about "honest breedings"
>>and why most Red Nose Families are crossed out and
>>criss crossed from other lines feel free to E Mail me
>>for clean honest discussion. What you have been
>>hearing on this board is "organized" explanations from
>>people that are trying to maintain an image as "pit
>>bull experts" and "authority of Red Nose History"
>>based on a particular person.
>No John not a particular person.
>This comes from many people.
>Just to name a few, Stratton, Mullins and me. :)
>Here ya go John from your own email about honesty:::"
>My Friend,
> It really requires thought and purpose when you own
>more than one pit bull. Making the right choices and
>accepting failure is not easy.
> Last year I decided to find another line that would
>improve what is here. I didn't like the choices and I
>just didn't feel comfortable with some of the people I
>talked to. Actually, I was looking for genetic
>diversity. This yard is so tight....each breeding is
>pretty much
>predictable. Plus I'm tired of having to dig holes. A
>year ago I sold my 22 rifle so I wouldn't have to make
>those type of decisions.
>>There is a group of you birds that sing together on
>>this board and it is to you that I will no longer
>>entertain my comments or facts.
>The only bird brain is you John.
>I got news for you, there are people agreeing with
>each other who has had many disagreements over the
>They are agreeing with each other because your BS is
>so far fetched they couldn't even disagree on these
>> You just don't get it
>>and you never will. You can't fool everyone, with made
>>up stories to build your own position with these dogs.
>You are the only one not getting it!
>There is nothing made up. You can't deal with the
>You were told how to find out if anyone's position is
>Walk the walk kid.
>>You are a very little group of fledgelings compared to
>>the big pie in the sky. Insults, disrespect and
>>threats is how you are identified, not by the dogs you
>That IS my whole point John.......
>Let the dogs prove their blood!
>Blood always tells.
>Everyone is still waiting after all these years and
>all your $2,000 a pup peddling to see their worth.
>We all are grounded in our thoughts!
>You are the one chasing clouds in the sky!
Norrod you are a legend in your own mind,you never had a good rednose dog and still bred them to your cur corvino stock at will.maybe thats why your norrod dogs are garbage.

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Re: No AcknowledgementRed Dog
11:09:56 03/20/06 Mon

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