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Subject: Re: If you could turn back time...

Iron Mike
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Date Posted: 07:48:36 03/23/06 Thu
In reply to: informer 's message, "Re: If you could turn back time..." on 18:11:00 03/20/06 Mon

>>>Id breed him to ftp to see what that bitch could
>>Why? I can tell you.
>>Turning cur snapper that you couldn't kick across the
>makes no since that you dont like Geronimo 2 with
>breedings like this one
><a rel=nofollow target=_blank href="http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigr">http://www.apbt.online-pedigrees.com/public/printPedigr</a>

I couldn't control what others do with their dogs. But I could control my own.
I personally didn't find the line of dogs producing the kind of dogs needed to win in the fast lane.
They didn't have power that was needed and was frail.

I want you to understand this, I never hide the fact or made any bones about the fact I had other friends and family keeping those dogs and didn't keep them directly here on my property.

These people wanted to work with it, as they did when we were producing dogs from the stock on Ch. Gambler's mother side.
Mixer wrote on Sporting Red Dog Board what happened with some of those dogs which cause, once again, the closing to the public this line of dogs, both tight and crossed.
Look back in about 1992 Gazette.
There were adds placed with those dogs tight bred being sold.

As far as I was concerned and Dan, the line could died out for all we cared as far as working anymore with it.
As I said, we could control "our" dogs and what was done with them.
Two things we could control, one was culling curs and two ill-temperedness which still creeps up now and then still in the line when bred to tight. It is a recessive congenital fault that can't be totally bred out from this line.

I wasn't going to paper breed to Geronimo 2 because he was never game tested and was ill-tempered.
I had what I had and didn't want to add anything else to the mix because there was ENOUGH BS to cull out that we already had without adding more to it.
Let tell you this, the way they acted with people, they weren't given no breaks. If anything, they were taken the extra mile because of their attitudes with people.

And when you went to this point, the true percentage was low for performance and not having this, they would either bail or expire.

A lot of work for nothing for winning and yes it did cross, Ch. Gambler's mother is proof of that. But by themselves I couldn't see adding Geronimo 2, Jake (Ty's brother) Spinner(Geronimo 2 brother) or any of the rest of Duster or Maud litter mate brothers or any of their sisters into a mix that was to much work and wasn't paying off with winning.

Bottom line, we felt our main concern was trying to win and not producing roll dogs.

Yes, now and then we did produce winners when bred tight but not high dollar or fast lane.
It was the crosses which would bring home the real bacon.
After awhile you begin to feel you are just spinning your wheels.

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